3 Christmas quarantine ideas

santa on holiday

This year will certainly be a different Christmas for all. Many of us will have to be at home or choose to be at home. Many of us will have to choose 'who' we spend Christmas with due to logistics, regulations or simply because we don't want to mix households.

Even though we may be at home more this festive season it doesn't mean the Christmas cheer has disappeared. Even more reason to up the festive spirit and we have a few ideas for you:

1. Decorate lots - this year most people have started early on the Christmas decorations and most trees have been adorned with fairy lights, baubles and tinsel. Remember to decorate more this year so you really feel in the festive mood. There are a lot of DIY ideas online or many stores selling everything sparkly. Immerse your home into a winter wonderland as you will be at home more this season.

2. Home baking - Now we all learnt a lot more about baking during the lockdown but now you can put your cooking skills to the test with fun food. Reindeer cookies, snowball cocktails or fab nibbles and treats for all the family to enjoy.

3. Games - games are not only fun they really get everyone involved (as long as no arguments!). It is good to get some competition going, mind thinking and also helps to pass a good amount of time. Maybe have a nice prize for the winner on hand . If you prefer to enjoy a game on your own puzzles are great, not only are they satisfying once the picture starts to take shape and you aim for completion of that last puzzle piece.

Whilst at home check in on your well-being


Support is always around you and especially as we continue to shield indoors at home make sure you do the following to maintain your well-being and positive mental state:

- Talk - video call, text message or call your friends and loved ones and keep in regular communication. You will feel in touch with people and what is going on

- Look after yourself - make sure you are getting exercise, go for a walk if you can if not make sure you follow some at home exercises in your living room or from your chair

- Plan your supplies such as shopping and to avoid others right now and if you are high risk order online. If you need help ask a family member to set up your account and order for you each week

5 ways to spread Christmas cheer...


Christmas has come around so fast this year for everyone. It is time to spread cheer amongst one another hence why we have seen to many people jump onto Christmas planning, decorating so early! It may be the only period on which we can see loved ones.

It is a time of uncertainty still, anxiousness and frustration for many especially those who are separated by countries. It has been a long year for all and it is time to speak a little cheer and have something to look forward to. A few ideas to make Christmas special this year:

1. Make and decorate your own festive wreath, it can be fun to do and there are so many options from traditional festive wreaths to more modern takes

2. Donate to charities instead of sending Christmas cards this year - many are doing this to help support charities at a time when fundraising has been difficult for vital research and support

3. Make sure you call or even better video call your nearest and dearest if you are not planning to be together. A conversation and talking goes a long way when you may be feeling lonely

4. Support local independents - it has been a struggle for many small shops and restaurants to try and stay afloat so this year if you do buy gifts buy local

5. Baking is very therapeutic for many plus after your hard work you get to enjoy a treat or even share with your neighbours! There are many recipes out there to feed your festive spirit from mince pies and Christmas puddings to reindeer cookies, roast dinners and even make your own mulled wine!

3 Wellness tips for winter

  1. It is beneficial if you try to breathe via your nose instead of your mouth. Doing this will warm up the air you breathe in and make you feel much more warmer.
  2. By staying active you will generate extra body heat to help you stay warm and also being active will also promote a positive mentality and positive wellbeing.
  3. At home if you maintain a consistent temperature of at least 18°C (64°F) and keep your windows closed as cold air will increase the chances of any respiratory infections.

With the colder months drawing in you must make sure you plan and prepare so you can be warm and safe this winter.

Unlock your travel desires this winter

unlock your travel desires

We can truly say that we have all had a very challenging year especially for travel and most have put off or delayed travel plans over the summer.

As we approach winter there is a still a chance to stop dreaming and actually get in a break before Christmas and the new year. A lot of short breaks still give the sense or relaxation and escaping the normal routine of day to day life. Many people are either stuck to their mobile devices, working from home or simply stuck in a routine within the same four walls. For many a break away however long will give a sense of escapism before the year is over plus before more weeks of uncertainty around COVID and a global pandemic.

There are many countries that will be open for travel this winter and also have great safety measures. Many hotels and hospitality premises have very good socially distanced and clean commitments in place to give everyone the confidence when visiting and these can all be researched online prior to booking. When booking your winter break you can also have confidence that many hotel companies are offering very flexible policies so that you do not loose your money if you plans have to change.

Research and plan your travel plans wisely and look forward to travel before another lockdown so you have something to look forward before the year is over.

When travelling with oxygen you can speak to our team and contact us with all your arrangements and be confident that your requirements will be fulfilled and you can sit back and relax awaiting an adventure before the year is over and have something positive to remember.

Wherever in the world - we are here...

the world

More than ever oxygen is vital.

Many people may need medical oxygen very quickly, very suddenly and be anywhere in the world. Luckily OxygenWorldwide have you right by their side. With over 20 years experience and trusted relationships the team will help advise, guide and provide you with all your medical oxygen needs - wherever you are.

You may now need to plan travel arrangements or to see family and friends as we have all been apart for a while and more than ever we are all wanting to be near each other once again.

OxygenWorldwide arranges the delivery of medical oxygen worldwide to many countries. If you are planning to travel or need medical oxygen get in touch to arrange your requirements with our team. We are here to help you.

3 reasons why oxygen is so important right now...

medical oxygen
  1. Oxygen treats so many conditions -
    Pneumonia plus many other respiratory diseases need medical oxygen to survive. The lack and low oxygen levels that come with these conditions means that the supply and need for medical oxygen is very very important. This affects people who suffer from illnesses such as: COPD, sleep apnea, extreme asthma attacks and more recently COVID-19.
  2. Oxygen is needed for all life on earth including animals - It is not just us humans but all the animals and plants need oxygen to function just as we do. The need for oxygen is for everything around us on Earth from beautiful flowers and trees to the animals in our oceans and on land.
  3. Oxygen helps mountaineers stay alive - The sheer atmosphere that comes with mountain areas across the world and its high elevations means that oxygen is needed to hep breathe and stay alive due to the drop in pressure at such high altitudes.

The need for medical oxygen


Medical oxygen has always been vital and important to so many people who suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma or COPD. Many of us forget that the air we breathe is what keeps us alive.

Medical oxygen has played a huge part in COVID-19 and saving many peoples lives. As we know here at @oxygenworldwide it is a vital supply that means many people can live and also enjoy many more things such as travel still.

Medical oxygen is so important to many and at this time even more so. With over 20 years experience our team are proud to be able to help arrange medical oxygen for many of its customers.

Pop over to our website to find out more www.oxygenworldwide.com

Explore these 3 countries and breathe more this autumn

autumn and the great outdoors

Those autumnal vibes are really starting to kick in now and it gives many of us the appetite to explore the great outdoors! If you spent the last few months not travelling then maybe now it is a chance to get a small trip in from a local night away, city break or week long adventure - the choice is yours.

Here are the 3 top places which you can travel to in Europe right now:

Cyprus - Here you do need to provide a negative COVID test 3 days prior if from the UK, but you can still travel here and enjoy the great east Mediterranean winter sun right now. This is a great choice if you are looking for some last-minute warmth plus of the mythical beauty and history.

Germany - there are no regulations from the EU so this makes the perfect place to travel to and explore its culture and many choices. From mountains and rivers to beaches and great beer! The choice is yours to discover somewhere new this autumn.

Italy - Full of beautiful and stunning areas it may be hard to choose and of course the great dining culture makes a perfect place to enjoy, relax and explore. From small towns and clifftop villages to the more well known regions you are spoilt for choice not to forget great vineyards and pasta!

Please note most countries update their lists weekly so please do check before booking on all travel requirements and regulations or restrictions depending on what country you are departing from.

To have our help with arranging your next adventure with medical oxygen - please just get in touch by phone, email or via our website here

Singing is good for you...

We all love listening to our favourite music, no matter what genre you enjoy, it always puts you in a great mood. It's a fact singing is good for you!

It also is widely cited that it is also beneficial for improving lung function and wellness.

Here are a few benefits to singing:

  • Improved well-being and self-esteem
  • Makes you feel good and happier
  • Good for breathing techniques
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves posture
  • A fun activity to enjoy
  • More oxygen reaches the brain more so memory improves
  • Blood circulation improves
  • Concentration is better