Top things to do at home this Spring

You may be thinking spring can’t come quick enough and there are already a few early signs – longer daylight hours, warmer temperatures and flowers beginning to bloom.

Even though most of Europe is still in some form of lockdown, restriction or curfew it is still safe to stay at home. But with this comes a great opportunity to step into spring!

  • Green fingers at the ready - If you are lucky enough to have a garden or even a nice outdoor courtyard, terrace or balcony now is the time to fill it with colour. From potted plants to small trees and shrubs; spring is perfect to show off some beautiful plants that will brighten up any outdoor space. This will also create a lovely seating area for you to read your next novel, listen to some music or relax with loved ones.
Decorative pots give a burst of colour too!
  • More outdoor exercising - Now that the days are getting longer and we are beginning to warm up; it is much easier and we feel more energised and positive to get outside to enjoy the fresh air. You can now regularly do your daily exercise (also with the dog or bike) and soak up some vitamin D and enjoy the views. During the warmer months take a different route or venture out at a different time of day. You can see sights you normally would miss or even discover more about where you live. Its also a great opportunity for any keen photographers to capture great views, sunsets or seasonal landscapes.
Daily exercise can really help stimulate positivity
  • Spring clean - We all feel so much better in a clean and tidy household. Simply de-clutter, re-arrange items or give areas of your home a re-fresh. Having a nice clean really does clear out the mind, make your home an enjoyable place to relax and invite others when we can. Remember your local area, woodland, park or beach are always looking for volunteers to help with rubbish and litter. It is a great way to help tidy up where you live, promote cleanliness and decrease pollution.
Helping keep your local area tidy too

Look forward to Spring and travel to be on the horizon soon!

Heart shape in a cup of coffee

3 reasons why self-love is so important...

Self-love is very important and many of us can forget that 'me' should be number 1 in life. This is why:

  1. You will be much more confident and feel in control. This is the priority as you need to be the one in control and not being controlled by others around you or feelings. You will also feel so good about yourself and happy.
  2. You will feel more independent to do what you have always wanted to and this may mean doing something outrageous or crazy or it may simply mean you start doing those hobbies, dreams and plans you have always thought were not possible for you.
  3. Gives you an inner-strength to make a difference, make the right decisions. You deserve the best and cannot settle for anything lower than what you should.

“You were born an original work of art. Stay original always. Originals cost more than imitations.”― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Breathe easy at home

oxygen at home

For those who need medical oxygen at home this can seem daunting. Home oxygen is needed for those who have low oxygen levels and having this supply can help those with respiratory illnesses.

For some this may be a relatively new requirement especially if you have been in hospital with coronavirus and on your after-care plan you still require extra help with oxygen to improve your condition and daily life.

Oxygen at home or oxygen therapy increases the oxygen levels in your blood flow and can help with daily activities all based upon what your doctor has required necessary.

It can seem very scary but this vital source of medical equipment not only will help you breathe but will enable you to be able to move around, do daily exercise and even (when we can) venture on holiday. You do not have to miss out.

The team at OxygenWorldwide have over 20 years experience and can assist, provide and be available for your oxygen needs. Whether you require oxygen therapy at home or abroad - contact our team which operates across Europe and worldwide.

For more information about the team, where we deliver and also client feedback please do visit our website and contact us with any questions.

Elon Musk and doubtful tests

Reference: @elonmusk

It has been reported that the Tesla CEO, Elon Musk published a tweet in regards to having a mixture of positive and negative tests on the same day back on 13th November.

Elon Musk reported it was the same machine, same test, same nurse. From all of this what does this make you think? Some people will jump to conclude tests do not work properly or they are not 100% accurate, others will jump to the fact it was that particular manufacturer. But for one thing we can conclude is that a test doesn't make you recover whatever the result.

If you are ill, it may be flu or a mild winter illness but to keep yourself and others safe you know and feel in yourself if you are unwell. The smart people are those who stay home especially if they have any feeling or doubt they are ill or someone they have seen has started to feel unwell.

facing a mask reality

Facing a mask reality...

Face coverings have now become quite normal when you leave the house for essential journeys, work or to go to the supermarket. Is this the new normal when it comes to Coronavirus as well as social distancing and washing hands?

For those with a respiratory condition or disease it can be uncomfortable but it is bearable and face masks are there to protect one another from catching any infection when passing people even outside queueing or coming into contact with those you do not normally meet. Some people may be exempt due to their conditions but being extra careful outside the house as masks can help to stop infections spreading.

If you have any doubts read your local government or state website for full details on rules, restrictions and regulations where you live. Any other doubts concerned with your health condition then please ask your doctor for more advice.

If you require medical oxygen to assist your breathing then OxygenWorldwide are still on hand if you would like to contact us for any needs of supplying medical oxygen.

Medical oxygen shortages



Due to Covid-19 medical oxygen has become very difficult to get hold for patients in developing countries such as Africa and the Middle East. Medical oxygen is an essential medicine and should be available to all. Covid-19 has brought an extra constrain on a much needed supply across the world.

Medical oxygen supplies relies on its local infrastructure as it is very costly to transport so these countries have seen their supply gap increase.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought medical oxygen to the table and much needed for all the wards across the globe.

OxygenWorldwide have great connections across the world and can also supply medical oxygen for use in your home for after-care of any other medical conditions. With an extensive team of knowledge and 24/7 communications we are here to help give patients the essential medicine they need. Contact us today for a quote.


Breathing at home with Covid-19

Breathing at home with Covid-19

breathing better

Coronavirus is becoming less of an 'unknown' virus and more of we at least know someone who has it or has recovered from it. If you are able to see loved ones this Christmas and New Year please be careful and if you require medical oxygen for breathing you can still do this in the comfort of your own home.

A huge part of recovery is being surrounded by the things you love, the people you recognise to look after you and just being calm in your familiar surroundings. If you find yourself or someone close to you in need of medical oxygen after covid-19 then our team can help.

OxygenWorldwide has been arranging and delivering medical oxygen for over 20 years around the world. Portable oxygen concentrators can be used safely in and around your home so give you the freedom to move around your home or at least be comfortable.

Contact us for a proposal or for further information here

Spread some joy this Christmas...

Merry Christmas

For Christmas this year it is very different but we would like to shine a light to everyone across the globe to look after one another during this time and spread some joy.

Remember to get in touch with loved ones, reach out more to those that may be alone this Christmas and be there.

Here is to 2021 and thank you to all our friends, customers and colleagues for all your support during 2020.

Is Covid-19 here to stay?


Like many we are all just want to leave 2020 behind and have an immense desire to put this challenging and ever-changing pandemic behind us. As we draw close to the end of the year it seems to have swooped in and taken this dream and all we have been working together towards an ending. Now there does not seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel and we will need to adapt and change to Cvoid-19 being here to stay.

How will we cope?

Well this will mean it will be very normal now to have masks and face coverings, social distancing and washing hand and sanitiser will also become 'the new normal'. Our future plans will now need to become adaptable and with challenges and changes become opportunities. Do not let what is happening now affect your future. There are ways to be creative, think outside the box and still maintain all what you want to achieve. (within regulations!).

Once herd immunity and the vaccine roll out sets in we will be able to hopefully make more concrete plans of international travel, see loved ones and once again begin our adventures. For now it feels as if time has been put on pause with Covid-19 but as with everyone across the world - we will get there, it just not be the same as before.

Tips to help stop Covid anxiety

 road to help anxiety

There has been a mixed amount of emotions this year as we approach the end of 2020. People have never felt so much with stress, worry, anxiety and also having to abide by rules and regulations regularly changing. As we look ahead and begin to see an end to Covid-19 in terms of going back to a 'normal way of life' whatever that may be. For those who deal with not only a daily struggle having this anxiety on top cannot be avoided. But with the year drawing to a close it is as important an ever to make sure you handle these emotions correctly. Here are a few top tips to help with anxiety especially as coronavirus has been a worldwide pandemic all year - much longer than anyone could have imagined or be prepared for.

  1. Sounds obvious but talking about your worries is good! Many of us feel like we don't want to pester others close to us with our thoughts or feelings. Most of the time it also helps the person you are talking to too and aids to feeling calm, voicing your worries and understanding the feelings. It's good to talk or even write to someone close.
  2. Ignore scare-mongering - There is always a lot of media hype, articles or online sites that may not be factual. Always stick to recommended advice from websites and Channels that do not add to your feelings. Fact is what is needed when something so big affects your life. It also stops you from being overwhelmed or even confused.#
  3. Focus on today - it is true that when you may be anxious it is easier to manage when you focus on the right here and right now. Do not worry about the what if's or tomorrow. Be strong and wake up feeling strong and in control of what today will bring.

It may feel like a long road but anxiety can be managed and you can be in control. Focus on what works and is right for you. With coronavirus and Covid-19 affecting everyone in every country it is a major factor that we need to address especially when dealing with a huge range of other day to day issues. Remember your loved ones and people close to you and that you are strong enough.