
Cyprus - Breathtaking


It's the stepping stone to three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. The
island has a rich dramatic history that can be traced back over nine thousand
years.. Floating on the waters of the European Mediterranean, but pointing
longingly towards the shores of Syria, Turkey and Lebanon, Cyprus is an odd
mixture. It is a kaleidoscopic blend: its cultural influences are dominated by
Western Europe, but its geographic proximity to Asia and Africa gives it more
than just a hint of the East. Long coveted by mainland Greece and Turkey, this
small island has its own definite and beguiling character.
Because of this historic and legendary background it is no surprise that Cyprus has developed a character which is quite unique.
Many spend their holidays 'to see the natural beauty that ranges from golden
beaches and rugged coastlines to rolling hills and forest clad mountains,
dotted with picturesque villages.' Travel to Cyprus and you will have an
unforgettable holiday.
Oxygen Worldwide supplies medical oxygen in holiday destinations like Cyprus,
France, Spain and Turkey but also worldwide. Contacter for any oxygen travel

office work

Working nine to five with oxygen

office work
working all day

The working population of the world today spend far more time in an office at a desk. Spending long periods of time in the same position in a desk chair can cause your circulation to slow down. Your muscles aren’t getting enough oxygen, and that often results in muscle tension.
Working nine to five everyday may cause stress, but when you take a holiday or vacation how relaxed do you feel? Imagine if this was made harder because you rely on oxygen to breathe?
Oxygen is a vital element that helps us to remain healthy and young – Oxygen Worldwide provide that essential life-line with arranging medical oxygen to our population when travelling across seas and oceans and to feel that they can still see the world.
Oxygen Worldwide is specialised in the supply of medical oxygen when you have to travel with special needs. Look for more information about oxygen, delivery worldwide and portable concentrators on our website or contact us.

the sea

Oxygen Worldwide takes a deep breath into the ocean

the sea
deep breathe in to the ocean

Oysters breathe too, using both gills and mantle. The mantle is lined with many small, thin-walled blood vessels which extract oxygen from the water and expel carbon dioxide. A small, three-chambered heart, lying under the adductor muscle, pumps colourless blood, with its supply of oxygen, to all parts of the body. Oxygen Worldwide supplies medical oxygen to people during travel and this provides a critical service to help people cross the deep oceans to visit different countries across the globe.
An oyster produces a pearl when foreign material becomes trapped inside the shell. The oyster responds to the irritation by producing nacre, a combination of calcium and protein. The nacre coats the foreign material and over time produces a precious pearl.
Oysters are not only a delicacy on some menus across the world, but they're also one of the most nutritionally well balanced of foods, containing protein, carbohydrates and lipids. Four or five medium size oysters supply the recommended daily allowance of iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese and phosphorus. An important part of staying healthy and providing vital nutrients; just is the case in providing portable concentrators and medical oxygen to help our customers travel freely worldwide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Oxygen Worldwide’s objective is to make travel for those who need supplemental oxygen as carefree as possible. Oxygen Worldwide arranges oxygen delivery worldwide for oxygen users on holiday or vacation.

cliffs of ireland

There is more to Ireland than Guinness

cliffs of ireland

In 854AD the Vikings made a permanent settlement at Dyflinn, the place we now know and love as the Guinness guzzling city of Dublin. The King’s Palace stood on the present Dublin Castle site and part of the town’s defences can still be seen at the Undercroft in the castle.
In the 19th century Ireland was struck by the Great Famine caused by a potato blight. Sadly, over a million inhabitants died of starvation. Two million people emigrated to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Between 1848 and 1950 over six million Irish fled the country.
Modern Ireland now enjoys more immigration than emigration. Thanks in large part to the boom of the Celtic Tiger economy in the 1990s. Ireland today is now a vibrant, culturally rich and ethnically diverse country. Travel to Ireland to take in breathtaking scenery, enjoy local entertainment and most importantly sink a pint of the black stuff to ensure a perfect break-away in a buzzing atmosphere.
Fancy a holiday to the Emerald Isle? We at Oxygen Worldwide can help make it happen by providing medical oxygen to suit your needs. We work in a simple an efficient manner. All designed to help you. Contacter – we can help.

astronaut in space

Oxygen Worldwide goes outer space with moondust

astronaut in space
outerspace with oxygen

Imagine the future when the universe becomes so advanced and astronauts can make their own oxygen, fuel and water from lunar rocks and soil. Is this possible? Well yes. The key motivation of these experiments is the fact that almost half the moon, by weight, is made of oxygen - the singular most important element that we care about the most.
The above may seem ludicrous but already there is a chance of it becoming reality. Representatives from NASA space centres, and engineers from the Canadian and German space agencies, have made a well motivated travel to the site, making this field test a true global effort. A NASA-developed rover called SCARAB showed how a prospecting rover could dig beneath the dusty lunar surface to process soil in order to extract oxygen. Larger systems could produce oxygen from greater quantities of moon soil.
The challenge is to replicate those conditions as closely as possible to ensure that the test results will be a true reflection of how these instruments will perform on the moon.
Oxygen Worldwide does not yet supply medical oxygen on the moon but we do our best business on Earth, helping normal people enjoy their everyday lives. Furthermore we can help make special moments even more memorable as our travel and holiday services can cater for your every need.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us because we know we can make a difference to you.

Oxygen Worldwide helps Kiva make a difference

Making a difference

Oxygen Worldwide helps Kiva make a difference
Oxygen Worldwide helps Kiva make a difference

 The main aim of Oxygen Worldwide is to help the world. We pride ourselves on what we do and how we can help people travel comfortably, seeing to their medical oxygen needs. That is why we support other organisations that, like us, want to make a difference. KIVA is another organisation proud of what they do to help people.
 So what do they do?
Well, the non-profit making group basically wants to give people a chance in life and a chance to shine. Led by 450 volunteers; KIVA offer out loans to families, individuals or even budding entrepreneurs so they can get a head-start in the business world, and why are they doing this? Simple, their grand-plan is to alleviate crippling poverty throughout the world by creating opportunities, and with $208 million loaned out across 59 countries since they were founded in 2005, it’s safe to say that KIVA are making a real difference.
Unlike pretty much every loan lending organisation in the world, KIVA is not your archetypal “loan shark,” far from it. They don’t make a penny from the deals. The short of it is that a loan can be made by anyone, and you can be safe in the knowledge that every penny goes to someone who really needs it. Any loans, or other funds raised through grants, corporate sponsors and foundations, are dealt with by microfinance institutions across five continents – there are 131 of these known as Field Partners. They are the crucial cog as they can pass on a loan to people who don’t have access to a traditional banking system. Once administered by the field partner, the money is released and ready to make a real difference. Not one penny has been lost. KIVA is funded primarily through the support of lenders making optional donations so the deprived amongst us in the world do not miss out.
Oxygen Worldwide are proud supporters of KIVA as they have touched the lives of so many people. We are in the same industry of “making a difference to others”, so for us; the link-up makes perfect sense.
For more information on the ways and means of KIVA please visit


Oxygen Worldwide plays their part in Japan.

flying with medical oxygen

The recent tragic events in Japan have shocked the world. Back in March an earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.9, rocked the east coast of the Asian nation sending the country into panic. The tsunami that followed, with waves up to ten metres, decimated large areas causing deaths to thousands. What followed is even more worrying as nuclear power stations were destroyed meaning many more millions of Japanese are at risk from nuclear radiation. The world, quite rightly, has huddled round to help their friends in need.
Rescue teams have been sent to help with find an estimated 14,736 people that originally deemed missing. The re-building work will take time as the ruins continue to be surveyed as scenes of devastation are still evident. This is why portable, medical oxygen is more important than ever. With the air being breached from the debris and dirt disturbed by the quake, for the rescued and the rescuers the need for clean oxygen is a must. Oxygen Worldwide can play their part in ensuring the health and safety of everyone by providing fresh, clean liquid oxygen, and at the risk of sounding morbid it’s important to explain why.
For everyone involved in the rescue mission, the contaminated air heightens the risk of contracting such respiratory diseases as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The need for readily available medical oxygen is vital. For the rescue teams they are admirably risking their health to save others, and for the rescued the risks of being stuck for days on end are catastrophic.
Portable medical oxygen can battle can against the risks for everyone involved in making Japan regain its identity. Portable medical oxygen is something Oxygen Worldwide excels in. The whole setup is simple but so effective. Order the oxygen, travel, receive the oxygen. They want to keep people healthy. Imagine being rescued in Japan. Stuck for days breathing in dirty air, feeling the lungs become contaminated. I’m no expert on the matter but I’m sure that first burst of fresh oxygen could make all the difference.
This is of course taking Oxygen Worldwide’s uses to the extreme but if you are travelling to Japan, whether it be to see loved ones or on business, and rely on medical oxygen then this oxygen travel service can ease you through your trip.
It will take a long time before Japan returns to the colourful nation that we have become accustomed to but with the simple method of making medical oxygen readily available, Oxygen Worldwide can play its part.

child skating

Small & Mighty

child skating
small and mighty

Small portable oxygen concentrators & battery life.
When you need a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) you will look most possibly for the smallest one as you don’t want to carry or pull around a large and heavy machine. The Airsep Freestyle is currently the smallest portable oxygen concentrator around but being so small it has the disadvantage that it only gives a flow form 2-3 litres per minute and price wise does it not vary much from other models that give up to 6 litres of oxygen per minute.
The other consideration will most likely be the battery life of portable oxygen concentrators. When people start to shop around for a portable concentrator (POC) they often decide that the Philips Evergo or the Inogen One are the machines to go for. The reason being the number of hours they can use the POC if they are going out as the technical data specifies 8 hour use without recharge. But let’s face it, who is going where that there are no power outlets nearby. One can plug in his or her battery charger at a friends place, in every restaurant, coffee shop not to mention the cigarette lighter in the car. This way the battery does not need to be so big and heavy.
The most popular model at this moment that covers about everybody’s needs is either the Sequal Elcipse 3 (which has both a pulse and constant flow of oxygen but needs to be wheeled around on a trolley) or the Invacare XPO2 which is pulse operated but can be carried around with a shoulder strap.

cloudy sky during daytime

On holiday with Oxygen


Rutger Berntsen and Noor Pijnenburg, both Dutch, manage a unique company.
Since 1993 Oxygen Worldwide arranges worldwide a 24-hours oxygen service for traveling patients with breathing problems. Thanks to Oxygen Worldwide, these people still can go on holidays.
Everything is organized down to the smallest details, because in our profession nothing may go wrong", says Rutger, who demonstrates his computer program showing all global delivery points.
The network ensures that travelers and vacationers anywhere get their oxygen delivered on time.
Some people make fun of it and say: "Selling air, Rutger, that's clever!" It just makes me smile. "

Oxygen Worldwide

Oxygen. Travel. Worldwide.

Oxygen Worldwide

Delivering Oxygen to people? When I first heard of this I couldn’t work it out. Surely Oxygen is everywhere? Why would you need something which is so readily available? I hold my hands up, I was wrong.
Many, like me, would probably take oxygen for granted. For many others oxygen is imperative for maintaining their health. With Oxygen Worldwide everything is made easy.
Everyone likes to travel the world, but so many obstacles can get in the way. Money, time, health - they all play a part. Oxygen Worldwide eradicates one of them obstacles.
Imagine if you had health problems and require medical oxygen daily to help with your everyday life. It sounds like hard work. Taking that further – imagine if you wanted to go on a trip away for pleasure or even business and need oxygen to get through everyday. Sounds impossible. Oxygen Worldwide can make it happen.
The company, founded in 1993 by a Dutch duo in Alicante, Spain arrange delivery of medical oxygen for individual users, insurance agencies and emergency centres across more than a hundred countries. The process is simple, order your oxygen and they will do the rest. Your oxygen equipment will be waiting for you at your destination. Yes, it is that simple and suddenly your trip is made a whole lot easier because of one simple but ingenious idea – medical oxygen.
Oxygen Worldwide are now a household name in their field. All the big hitting industrial gas suppliers such as Air Products, Linde and Air Liquide are amongst the international network that Oxygen Worldwide work with. All the prestige is there for all to see as the company develops as trusted purveyors of fine oxygen.
Medical problems needn’t get in the way of that trip of a lifetime now as Oxygen Worldwide can play their part. It’s simple but effective. I certainly won’t be sneering at it again.