Do you need Oxygen to travel? Here's our Guide.

Travel is such an exciting experience and when you are not travelling domestically with medical oxygen flying internationally means you just need to prepare a bit more so that you are fully prepared for travel with medical oxygen.

Here is our guide to help you prepare for that exciting new trip across the waters via aeroplane:

  1. It is advisable to book your flight as early as possible. Not only does this give you enough time to plan and arrange your oxygen needs but it also confirms that the airline is able to make arrangements for your medical requirements for travel as some airlines only allow 1 passenger per flight to travel with oxygen.
  2. Plan your oxygen requirements in advance too, contact your OxygenWorldwide team member who can send you a quote upon request and book all your oxygen needs in your desired location using their extensive network and expertise.
  3. Contact your accommodation provider or where you are staying to let them know you are travelling with oxygen just so they are aware as some deliveries may arrive early.
  4. Finally make a visit to your GP to confirm you are fit to fly and travel to your chosen country and have everything you need medically to ensure a swift check in and on-boarding journey.

Happy travels!

If you want to find out more please read our FAQ's on our website for more information

Do you own a LOX device? Here is how to refill your liquid oxygen...


Our friends over at Linde have produced a helpful video guide for patients wanting to view and understand the liquid oxygen filling process for their LOX device.

Watch and listen to the advice given when refilling your liquid oxygen tank with health and safety tips, what to do and the steps to refill your portable oxygen device.

If you have any questions or queries or would like our team of Oxygen experts arrange your oxygen supply please do contact us for our 24 hour service whilst travelling with medical oxygen.


Stressed? Our guide to take the stress out of travelling with oxygen

In support of #stressawarenessmonth here is our guide to help decrease the stress levels when organising your next trip or holiday abroad. Stress can de-balance your well-being and health causing extra medical problems that with a few simple tips you can try to avoid.

Travel with oxygen.
No stress.

  1. Sleep well - not getting your 8 hours a night? A good nights sleep will mean you wont struggle throughout the day, your memory will improve and you will be ill less frequently. We would not want you to be ill prior to your planned holiday and also you will become much more relaxed and able to enjoy your travel plans more.
  2. Be organised - plan all your oxygen needs in advance and speak with one of the experienced team members at OyxgenWorldwide who will take all the stress out of organising your travel with oxygen for you.
  3. Choosing your destination - If you are thinking about planning your next holiday destination then as an individual who travels with oxygen you must select wisely. We have built up a whole network of partners and relationships so that we can supply to most areas of the world but here are most of the country destinations we can provide our service when travelling with oxygen.
  4. 24/7 care - OxygenWorldwide provide 24/7 contact telephone assistance to completely keep you at ease during your holiday.
  5. Remember to relax and enjoy your travels. For more tips on stress generally please follow #stressawarenessmonth for further information and some great advice.
Travel with oxygen

5 tips to travelling with oxygen this summer

Its that time of year when the summer vacation or trip across the waters is much closer that planning can commence! With research on things to do, places to see and the final itinerary those who travel with oxygen also have a checklist that cannot be left unplanned.

Here is our top 5 quick tips for those travelling with oxygen:

  1. It is always best to plan as far in advance as possible at least 2 months prior to your holiday. This will allow you enough time to organise oxygen at the destination plus plan and confirm any documentation you may need from your GP.
  2. Check temperature levels of your holiday destination so you can pack appropriate clothing. If hot make sure you keep yourself cool with a sun hat and if cold make sure you pack lots of layers to warm yourself up.
  3. Plan according to your mode of transport whether this is car, train, or plane. Each mode of transport has rules whilst travelling. Especially air travel you may need to obtain 'fitness to fly' certificate.
  4. Check that you have the correct volumes and amount of oxygen to last the duration of your holiday - if you are unsure then speak with your oxygen company to check and confirm.
  5. Consider any allergies you have and medications you take. If you are allergic to feathers, ask the hotel if anti-allergy bedding, pillows may be available and also make a note of your medication just in case you happen to fall ill on holiday.

Our experienced and friendly team can answer your questions, queries on getting oxygen and travelling with oxygen in many languages. Do give them a call on email or online enquiry here they will be happy to help!

Q. Can you take oxygen when travelling on a plane?

Oxygen on a plane

Well we have the answer!

For those of us who vitally need medical oxygen throughout the day or evening one question that is regularly asked is...

Can I take my medical oxygen on a plane when I fly?

As a team who has been arranging oxygen for travel here at OxygenWorldwide this is in our work DNA! It will depend on your airline and you must always check especially if you are getting connecting flights on your travels that you adhere to the guidelines and rules. Some airlines will allow you to travel with your Portable Oxygen Concentrator if you have completed a 'fit to fly' form and had this confirmed. Other airlines may forbid this and you will need to make arrangements.

Our worldwide contacts with oxygen suppliers and airport personnel combined with our multilingual customer service staff means we are able to assist you in your native language. This can be particularly important when having problems during your travels.

If you are starting to plan your summer holidays to any of these destinations and travels it can seem stressful and over whelming, but please be assured that arranging travel with oxygen can be taken out of your hands and made much easier when using an experienced team. This means you have more time to plan your itinerary, buy those new summer clothes and get excited dreaming about what you will see, explore, discover in your chosen holiday destination.

If you require oxygen for your holiday then please complete this form and we will get back to you with a bespoke quote based on your needs and requirements.

Happy travels!!

Travelling with oxygen? A short guide what to do and what not to do...

Travelling with oxygen by car or other forms of transportation may seem intimidating. With a little planning, it can be easy, and safely, done. Travelling with portable oxygen by Aeroplane, by Cruise ship, by Car, by Train can be done without any stress when you know how. Here are a list of popular destinations that people travel to for holidays.

What to Do...

  • DO allow time to make arrangements for your oxygen needs when travelling long distance, especially if it will be by plane. Each airline has their own policies and procedures for travelling with oxygen. If travelling by car or train, you might need to arrange both portable and a more long-lasting oxygen supply.
  • DO carry your portable tank only in the case supplied with it.
  • DO keep your oxygen delivery system out of the bright sunlight or other heat sources.
  • DO bring extra batteries to power your concentrator in case of emergency.
  • DO be aware that high altitudes, whether flying or just driving in the mountains, can increase your need for supplemental oxygen.

What not to Do...

  • DON’T overlook the fact that portable oxygen tanks can only carry a finite amount of oxygen.
  • DON’T put a portable tank inside a backpack or other carry bag.
  • DON’T place your tank, cylinder or portable concentrator in a car trunk or other tightly enclosed space.

OxygenWorldwide works with Oxygen Suppliers across the globe in over 80 Countries

a man smoking a cigarette in the dark

1,2,3,4,5 tips to manage your COPD

Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life.

Here are 5 tips on lifestyle changes that you can make to help you manage the disease:

1) Stop Smoking
Smoking is the number one cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Together these diseases comprise COPD. If you haven’t already quit, it’s very important to take steps to stop smoking. Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation strategies. Even if you do not smoke, people with COPD should avoid all inhaled irritants such as air pollution, dust, or smoke from wood-burning fireplaces.

2) Defend Against Infections
People with COPD are at risk for respiratory infections, which can trigger flare-ups. Infections that affect the airways can often be avoided with good hand-washing hygiene. Cold viruses, for instance, are often passed through touch. Simple soap and running water do a good job of removing potentially infectious germs.

3) Focus on Good Nutrition
Eating right is an important way to keep your body and your immune system strong. It may be helpful to eat smaller meals, more often. Try to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil, and whole grains. Cut back on red meat, sugar, and processed foods. Following this dietary pattern has been shown to help reduce chronic inflammation, while supplying plenty of fibre, antioxidants, and other nutrients to help keep you healthy.

4) Tend to Your Emotional Needs
People living with disabling diseases such as COPD occasionally succumb to anxiety, stress, or depression. Be sure to discuss any emotional issues with your doctor as they may be able to prescribe medications to help you cope or also recommend other approaches to help you cope.

5) Stay Active and Physically Fit
Research shows that exercise training can improve exercise tolerance and improve quality of life among people with mild to moderate COPD. It can also help provide relief from shortness of breath and improve your mental well-being.

OxygenWorldwide are here for all your medical oxygen needs when travelling across the globe.



10 Steps To Improve Oxygen Levels

Take a look at these ideas as in conjunction with your home oxygen therapy a little change could greatly increase your oxygen levels and quality of life.

These 10 ideas will help to improve your oxygen levels:
1.    Open your windows.

Fresh air will bring additional oxygen into your home and even if you are constantly breathing in oxygen through a cannula, whenever you talk or open your mouth fresh air containing higher oxygen levels can be drawn into your body. If you live in a smoggy area then you could consider investing in an air-filtration system.

2.    Have Plants.

They are the opposite of us as they take-in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. Thereby increasing the foliage and plants in your home will decrease the carbon dioxide and increase the oxygen levels in your home.

3.    Create Aromas.

Many of the chemical-filled candles and various other incense type products actually contain carcinogens. Instead it is better to burn all-natural beeswax candles as then you’ll have better luck breathing in oxygen.

4.    Exercise More.

Even a small amount of exercise will help to improve your respiration ability, as your breathing rate increases and deepens your lungs can absorb more oxygen.

5.    Increase your water intake.

Water is made up of oxygen so by increasing your water consumption you can increase the amount of oxygen in your body.

6.    Go Green.

Eating more fresh, raw green juices is beneficial as they are full of vitamins and minerals which your body utilises to aid in the uptake of oxygen.

7.    Daily Meditation. 

Daily meditation or just simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing and taking deep breaths for a few minutes can greatly help in reducing stress and improving your oxygen intake.

8.    Eat lron-rich foods.

Your diet can seriously impact your oxygen levels. Certain foods can help improve your oxygen levels in the blood naturally. Target iron-rich foods such as meats, poultry, fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables as they can improve iron deficiency, which in turn improves blood oxygen levels.

9.    Cut out Salt.

A diet low in sodium can lead to increased oxygenation via the kidney and the blood.

10.    Eat green raw foods.

Oxygen-rich foods can naturally increase your blood oxygen levels. Try eating more green vegetables like kale, broccoli and celery in order to boost your oxygen levels and hopefully breathe easier.

For more information head over to speak to our team at OxygenWorldwide for all your medical oxygen needs when travelling across the world.

Here you can request a non-binding quotation for oxygen services abroad.


1 in 1000 suffer from cluster headaches ... is this you?

Cluster headache and oxygen therapy can help in the absence of hypoxia.

High flow oxygen is very effective in some patients in relieving symptoms of an acute cluster headaches quickly and safely. The exact cause of cluster headaches is unknown, but cluster headache patterns suggest that abnormalities in the body's biological clock are part of the cause. Unlike migraine and tension headache, cluster headache generally isn't associated with triggers, such as foods, hormonal changes or stress. The way in which oxygen inhalation reduces headache pain is unknown.

Researchers have shown that there is an increased blood flow in the brain in both cluster and migraine headaches, although both headaches do not have the same degree of increased flow.

2009 study by Drs. Goadsby, Cohen, and Burns found that 78% of patients using inhaled high-flow oxygen were able to abort 71%-85% out of 150 attacks.

When travelling with cluster headaches and you use medical oxygen then the team at OxygenWorldwide can help organise and arrange all your medical oxygen needs.


100% oxygen, 100% care

Pourquoi OxygenWorldwide

We breathe air that is 21 percent oxygen, and we require oxygen to live. Here at OxygenWorldwide we provide 100% care 24/7 for those who require medical oxygen to survive.

Wikipedia definition
Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds.

01.Our years of experience. OxygenWorldwide has been arranging oxygen for travellers since 1993. 
02.Our worldwide contacts with oxygen suppliers and airport personnel. 
Read the rest and find out more about OxygenWorldwide services here