10 foods that are oxygen rich


You may not realise that there are foods that help with lung function or can help to increase oxygen blood levels. There are many foods but here we are listing our ten favourites:

  1. Spinach
  2. Brocolli
  3. Strawberries
  4. Grapes
  5. Artichokes
  6. Almonds
  7. Avocado
  8. Celery
  9. Fish
  10. Apricots

Now that we are all cooking and baking at home and have more time to really think about our meals plus our health why not try and make some delicious meals using any of the above ingredients so enhance your daily meal intake with oxygen rich foods.

For those who have COPD, asthma and other respiratory conditions and use medical oxygen to breathe this is a great way to make sure you are eating the correct foods that you can benefit from. Plus it is fun to create a nutritious dish and try something new!

Check out our free e-book over on our website for more tips on what to do whilst in quarantine.


3 ways to stay positive during lockdown

Being positive during Covid-19

Covid-19 is taking over our lives and while we all try to stay home and save lives it can be difficult to remain positive with all the negativity in the media or our thoughts.

Here are some 3 positive things you can do to give yourself the mental boost you need whilst being indoors and at home especially when you already are vulnerable or sick.

  1. Create a mood board or bucket list
    Zone in on your hobbies, interest, travels and plans for your future. Put all your ideas on paper, in a scrap book, list in your phone or even type up on the computer. You can be as creative as you wish but ultimately focus on what you are going to do or go to or start once this is all over!
  2. Stay hydrated It is important to remember to stay topped up with fluids and we may forget as not moving around as much. Your body still needs to be kept from dehydration as this can lead to bad skin, IBS flare up to headaches and tiredness to name a few. The NHS and The European Food Safety Authority state, “Women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day”.
  3. Video call your loved ones regularly Make sure you are keeping in touch with your friends, family or even your groups such as your local club or hobby group. You can set up virtual meet-ups, virtual drink nights to give a bit of fun to your week and see some friendly faces. Do not be scared to use video software as once you have mastered how it works it really makes you feel as if you are with all those friendly faces in the room and makes you feel really happy and in-touch with the outside world.

Don't forget you can download all the best tips of what to do when at home whilst in quarantine. FREE guide over on our website today at oxygenworldwide.com.

We would love to hear from you...

World connecting

At this time across the world we want to spread some memories and also hear from our past and present customers.

Our services have been helping oxygen users across the world for over 25 years travel, explore the world and see new cultures, relax or just simply to visit friends and family who live abroad.

Our team have been working hard behind the scenes and it would be lovely to read about your OxygenWorldwide experiences!

Please let us know by writing a short comment here!

Thank you and stay safe. We will be able to travel again but for now we can look back on our travel memories.

Get the best tips for Oxygen Users at Home during Quarantine here...

The team at OxygenWorldwide have put together all the best tips of what to do when at home whilst in quarantine. The book gives general tips and advice for oxygen users during this global pandemic from how to look after your oxygen equipment to activities, planning your next holiday for 2021 and looking after your mental health.

You can download this FREE guide over on our website today at oxygenworldwide.com.

Download our free book at oxygenworldwide.com

5 things you must do during lockdown

We are all living through strange times at the moment as the whole world is going into lockdown with Covid-19. As we all learn to social distance and be at home more how can you stop boredom or getting anxiety?

Here are a few things to do to make sure during these times you have a bit of self-care and keep positive, even if you are also dealing with a condition and part of the vulnerable groups of people living with respiratory health problems and using medical oxygen to help you get by each day:

  1. Daily exercises - maintain your daily exercises and stretching to keep up movement and health. Exercising not only helps you stay fit and strengthen muscles but it will boost being positive and an aid a good routine for the day.
  2. Be kind to yourself - If you don't feel up to doing anything one day let yourself relax, do not get stressed out by these feelings as you will feel more anxious. We all need a rest and time off now and again so just have that lay in or nap as your body is telling you to do so!
  3. Keep in touch - Have a system where you keep in touch with friends and family each week - this may be a certain time each day or week or even a virtual call from your computer. Seeing faces and talking to loved ones really keeps you connected and happy. It's always good to talk and also means you can check in with people to see if they are doing OK.
  4. If you condition worsens or you have problems with your medication, medical oxygen supply don't at all feel like you are being a burden to the GP, Hospitals or suppliers. Your health is important and even more so right now so if you need help or you wake up one day and don't feel right please call and get in touch as it may be important.
  5. Finally use the time to teach yourself something new. Have you always wanted to learn a language, read that book you never get around to or even plan your next holiday. We have more time than ever to really sink our teeth and thoughts into being a better cook, baking a cake, take up a course online or even just getting creative and reading up on your next plan - its time to plan that next adventure and remember we can still help you on your travels so please do look up our recommendations and links!

Oxygen Therapy and Living With It



For those who need oxygen via a machine living with it sometimes is tough. You need to adapt to a way of life but also not let it hinder your well-being and what you can do.

Oxygen is your life and do not feel you are confined to staying at home as you are connected to a machine. 

Oxygen therapy has come a long way but today the smallest and most versatile portable equipment is available. Medical oxygen allows patients the ability to go on holiday, travel, exercise and be on the move 24/7 as you increase your oxygen blood levels that help stop symptoms, breathing difficulties and prevent heart damage.

A few do's and don'ts

Keep cylinders upright at all times whilst at home

Make sure you have working fire alarms and detectors in your home

Don't use flammable liquids and keep away from heat such as gas hobs

Don't let anyone smoke near you whilst you are using your oxygen

For all your oxygen needs here are some useful links and groups plus if you need to travel and go on holiday with your oxygen speak to one of our experienced advisers or let us call you.


Are you gasping for air?

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

You could have Pulmonary Fibrosis. This is a condition that when you experience shortness of breathe it is due to the tissue in the lungs becoming thick and scarred over time.

Top facts on PF:

  1. Occurs mostly in the 50 to 70 age group
  2. Could be caused by environmental e.g pollution, viral infections or chemotherapy, or radiation plus if it is in your family history.
  3. Symptoms such as a bad cough, shortness of breath, aches and pains and tiredness.

If you are diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis one remedy is using medical oxygen to help with your breathing. Find out here what OxygenWorldwide have to offer and why you should choose us when looking for medical oxygen.

How to keep breathing

We all needs to breath 24 hours a day, every day so some much needed support from oxygen suppliers is needed. The working day may be 9 to 5 and people go home and switch off but when you have an essential, vital need you cant have this added worry especially when travelling abroad with medical oxygen.

That's why OxygenWorldwide offers a 24 hour service for all its customers in English, Spanish, German, French and Dutch. Now that is service and a company that understand and with its years of working in this field they care and understand their customers.

When travelling you would not want the added worry, stress or even language barrier if something went wrong with your oxygen supply or concentrator so let OxygenWorldwide put you at ease for you next holiday.

The science of cluster headaches and how oxygen helps...

A rare type of headache that affects about 1 to 2 people in every 1,000
Migraine Trust

cluster headaches
  • Cluster headache is the only indication for oxygen therapy in the absence of hypoxia
  • During attacks patients are often restless, agitated, or both
  • Attacks typically last for 15 to 180 minutes untreated and have a frequency of 1 every other day for up to 8 attacks a day
  • Using inhaled high-flow oxygen is more likely to result in being pain-free after 15 minutes
  • Oxygen therapy can be administered at different flow rates
  • High flow oxygen is very effective in some patients in relieving symptoms of an acute cluster headache quickly and safely
  • Cluster headache bouts alternate with remission periods, when patients are pain free
  • In the majority of these patients, the headaches occur in clusters (bouts) with daily attacks for several weeks
  • Oxygen is one of the safest ways to treat cluster headache

5 tips for beating the January blues


Blow away those January Blues

Just because you may have a medical condition such as asthma, COPD, Bronchitis doesn't meant you are more sceptical to the January Blues than others. Its that dark time of year when you can turn the blues into a positive whoever you are:

  1. Exercise helps the body and the mind and if you do this regularly it will increase your health and your energy as well as your well-being
  2. Try something new whether this is starting a new hobby, booking that dream holiday or visiting friends that you haven't seen in a while.
  3. Eating a well-balanced diet can also help. regular meals throughout the day and also a balanced menu will help you feel better, help digestion and give you the correct nutrients and vitamins your body needs for fuel.
  4. Read more - reading helps to relax, de-stress and also gives you some calmful 'you time' to get lost in a good novel and re-focus your thoughts.
  5. Get outside - fresh air, daylight and walking will help you mentally and physically and help to blow away those cobwebs.