What holiday type are you?

With the great news of most European countries relaxing the rules around travel and allowing foreign visitors many of us are planning a summer vacation but what type of holiday person are you?

Sun Sun Sun - this is one of the top reasons people go away especially from countries that are cold or have an inconsistent summer climate (like the UK!) A week long soak up as much vitamin D as you can and enjoy the beach, a few glasses of sangria and just relax.

Food Food Food - Foodie holidays are great for those who really enjoy eating out, trying new dishes and even learning a new skill at a cookery school. Its a great way to feel part of the culture by eating local dishes and sampling new tasty delights

Play Play Play - Now for those who cannot sit steal and the thought of sitting on a towel all day seems a waste, most likely are out and about exploring the local tourist sites and soaking up all the history, culture. The best way to discover a country and understand its history and people by visiting museums, landmark sites and amazing things to do.

Whichever type you are there is a country out there waiting for you to discover. Even if you are travelling with medical oxygen there is so much choice. With quarantine rules relaxing countries have safety measures in place so do check before you book.

Check out our A-Z FREE e-book on our website now!

Where to travel to next???

Deciding where to travel to for your next holiday, vacation or just wanting to get away can be a long research process depending on your wants and needs from a relaxing beach holiday to exploring culture and sightseeing. Throw in your medical condition and this makes planning so much more difficult with trying to find out if you can get to your accommodation easily, what is the terrain like if you need help with mobility, can oxygen even be delivered and how reliable would the service be if something went wrong?

Luckily the team at OxygenWorldwide have over 20 years experience and some of their top recommended places to travel are:

  • London
  • Berlin
  • New York
  • Paris
  • Sydney
  • Istanbul

Medical oxygen can be delivered to over 120 countries and to see a full list of countries where medical oxygen can be supplied please visit our website.


Medical Oxygen from A to Z

E-book Ready to download...

Discover everything you need to know with our Free e-book available to download from OxygenWorldwide website.

The team at OxygenWorldwide have been busy working from home creatively putting together their oxygen expertise for a quick A-Z guide on travelling with medical oxygen. Download today and sign up to future news and information from our team by completing the online form on our website.

We look forward to helping arrange all your future travel plans with oxygen.

Worried about your oxygen being safely at your destination?

There are so many options to travel with sea, air, plane, train or even a mixture and you have the decision on which mode of transport is best suited to your needs, budgets and time at your chosen holiday destination. But you can always be confident that your medical oxygen will arrive safely even if your journey may have been late, stressful. Do not worry at all here at OxygenWorldwide the team work hard to make sure you have everything oxygen related where and when it should be.

No matter how you get to your chosen destination you can be safe in the fact that your medical oxygen is in place before you arrive.

What steps should you take once your holiday has been booked?

  1. Contact the team via the enquiry form
  2. The team will get back to you regarding your no obligation quote
  3. Once all details are confirmed your oxygen is booked
  4. You can relax and enjoy getting excited about your travel plans
  5. Take a read of our FREE e-book downloadable on our website


Back to doing what we do best - Helping you to breathe

The team are so pleased that we can now get back to a 'new normal' as Europe is opening up its borders once again. We thank all our customers who have sent us kind words and we cannot wait to arrange all your travel oxygen requirements again.

For those planning to getaway, visit friends and family or simply in need of a holiday after Covid-19 and lockdown please do contact us with your oxygen request and our team can help answers all your questions when travelling abroad with medical oxygen.

Do not forget our FREE e-book is still available to download (second edition!)


It's almost time!

Have you spent the last few weeks dreaming of travel?!

I think we all have and now it seems you can put your plans into action.

Many hotels and accommodation providers are now offering flexible booking policies just in case plans change or dates move due to COVID regulations and guidance across the world.

Depending on which country you are visiting you have a great choice especially in Europe when lockdown is easing. Please see previous article The 5 European destinations you can travel to now for some travel ideas.

If you are booking your long awaited holiday, short vacation or even your staycation then please do ask our team to help with your medical oxygen requirements today.


You are in safe hands...

In these strange times it is important more than ever to now support locally, support your country and support all the businesses around us that have been closed for 3 months in the most busiest times of the year.

How does this affect travel plans?
Many people may be still anxious and nervous about jetting off around the world this summer but look around and see what is on your doorstep. With a short journey you can explore your own country and what it has to offer! We sometimes don't see what is closest to us and you will be surprised how much there is to learn about a place plus you speak the locals language - no translations needed!

How does this help?
You are helping to support many businesses that may have to close or go into administration due to the loss over the past few month - they may even be able to survive this crisis. You will also be helping the economy to grow and survive.

What does this mean?
Even if you are travelling with your medical oxygen please do let us know as we can help supply this for you at your chosen accommodation. But ultimately you will be able to take a short journey whether it is a drive, train journey or a short boat crossing and not feel anxious about venturing to a foreign country.

You will also be able to relax more knowing your own countries coronavirus rate, where is safe and also how to behave with the 'rules' Each country has its own rules for example if you travel or are in the UK you would have to self quarantine for 14 days but if you took a drive to another city you do not need to but still can explore places such as the wonderful cities or beautiful countryside for a long weekend or even week and learn so much about another area!

Please do let our team know if you are planning to travel with medical oxygen and we can help you - you are in safe hands.

The 5 European destinations you can travel to now...


With lock-down easing it is hard to not want to get out and travel. The summer is just beginning and the climates are now warmer. For those looking and thinking about travel outside their country here are the 5 European countries which may be more likely to allow travel from abroad this summer:

  1. Italy - Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced its borders to countries within the European Union from June 3 and will keep a close eye on its rate and if it increases again. 
  2. Greece - This country has had a very low coronavirus rate due to immediate lock-down so international flights will resume from July 1. 
  3. Iceland - From June 15th restrictions will be eased and tests may be required instead of the 14 day quarantine rule.
  4. Portugal - Again another country that wants to let tourists in and the 14 day quaratine restriction will not apply here.
  5. Sweden - This country has not even been in a full lock-down mode compared to other countries and will accept European Union visitors plus UK, Norway and Switzerland

Please do take a look at our Oxygen A-Z Guide here plus all your travel needs if you are planning a trip in Europe with medical oxygen.

Please do check official websites before making travel plans as we know this situation changes daily and therefore governments may bring in different rules as above.

Spain is now open!

Spain - Balearic islands

Tourism accounts for 12% of Spain's GDP, employing 2.6 million people, with the Canary and Balearic archipelagos relying almost solely on tourists. Coronavirus has hit the country and the industry hard but now we are easing out of lock-down and starting to become 'the new normal'.

Spain has announced that they will welcome visitors from 1st July without the 2 week quarantine measure in place. This is good news for the tourism industry and also for many visitors who have been dreaming of travel, holidays and visiting loved ones for the past 3 months.

Spain will not enforce the 2 week quarantine rule but for example returning home may mean you will have to still quarantine on your return to your home country. Please do check government websites for more details if you are planning to travel.

Download our full Oxygen A-Z Guide here

Remember to exercise even if still self-isolating at home



The British Lung Foundation have put together this video to demonstrate exercises that help keep your muscles strong. A lot of us have been at home and sitting down more than we are used to. These exercises remind us that we still need to maintain our strength during this challenging time. If you still cannot go out or only for a short period of time and you are getting short of breathe, here are some exercises that help give breathing techniques and also at different levels.

Watch the video and keep your muscles strong.

For more information and our FREE downloadable guide please go to our website and read our quarantine guide for free.