More environmental ways to travel in 2023

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As the topic of climate change grows we are all more aware of how we can do our part. Travel is still a very important part of our lives and there are ways in which you can still travel but have less impact of the environment. Traveling via bus or train is a more efficient plus environmentally friendly than driving a vehicle or flying on a plane or private jet. Both buses and trains not only use a significant amount of less fuel but also do release much lower amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere we need to protect.

Europe is especially more set up with its transport infrastructure for this. The network of great trains and buses able to cross borders makes this such easier. People are wanted to contribute to being planet-friendly as much as they can and sustainable travel is growing.

Thankfully it’s becoming easier to find green accommodation — keep an eye out these on specialist accommodation booking websites. Once you have selected your travel and destination @oxygenworldwide can arrange medical oxygen at your hotel or appartment.

Erkrankungen, die die Atmung beeinträchtigen

Wenn Sie sich jemals gefragt haben, welche Erkrankungen es im Zusammenhang mit Atmung, Lungenentzündung oder anderen Problemen mit dem Atmungssystem gibt, dann sind hier die wichtigsten Erkrankungen:


When was oxygen considered medicine?

Oxygen is now a common and essential use in medicine today but it has not always been considered medicine. It was not until 1885 when Dr George
Holtzapple documented using oxygen with a patient who had pneumonia.

What is medical oxygen used for?
Medical oxygen is used for resuscitation, life support and anaesthesia. Medical oxygen is also used for respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD and Covid.

Where can you have medical oxygen?
Medical oxygen is usually used mainly within a hospital or medical facility but you can also have medical oxygen on a plane, boat with use of portable oxygen cylinders and machines. Medical oxygen concentrators can also be used at home for patients who need oxygen most of the day and overnight.

For more information feel free to speak with our team at OxygenWorldwide

Das Leben nach Covid-19

Covid-19 ist jetzt hier, um zu bleiben. Für diejenigen, die die Auswirkungen des Coronavirus durchgemacht haben, kann dies in vielen Fällen zu chronischen Atemproblemen geführt haben.

Im Laufe der Zeit können immer mehr Forschungen durchgeführt werden, ein besseres Verständnis des Virus wird sich herausbilden. Nach Covid-19 können bei vielen Patienten gesundheitliche Probleme wie Lungenentzündung und schwere Atemprobleme auftreten.

Mit einer Zunahme von Atemwegs- und Atembeschwerden steigt der Bedarf an medizinischem Sauerstoff. Medizinischer Sauerstoff wird für viele auch zu einer notwendigen Lebensader, um das Atmen zu erleichtern und ihr Leben weiterführen zu können, wie z. B. Reisen ins Ausland, ins Freie gehen und anderen Hobbys nachgehen.

Weitere Informationen zu medizinischem Sauerstoff finden Sie in unseren anderen Artikeln hier


What is a HOOF?

A HOOF stands for Home Oxygen Order Form. This paperwork is needed in order for medical professional to give consent for medical oxygen for a patient alongside the consent form. This document is essential for oxygen suppliers such as OxygenWorldwide to order your required oxygen needed for your trip.

By law, patient’s consent is needed to transfer personal information to a recommended supplier and for supply to be sourced and ordered. If no consent, the order will be rejected.

For more information speak with your GP or outpatient clinic in order to obtain the correct information, requirements and give your consent when ordering home oxygen.

Why is medical oxygen a challenge when we want to travel?

woman looking over mountain scenery

More and more need for medical oxygen especially after more respiratory conditions such as Covid so this service is on the increase. `

  • Always plan in advance so that everything can be arranged for the correct dates of travel with no last minute panics
  • Airlines operate different policies please see you A-Z list here for further details as this can cause problems when booking travel by air
  • Careful arrangements by speaking with the OxygenWorldwide team here to make sure correct oxygen therapy is at your holiday for the duration of your stay

Simply be prepared and plan in advance when traveling with medical oxygen.

Airline Oxygen Index


It can be difficult to know which airline to choose when you require additional services such as medical oxygen on-board. A fantastic resource has been created below so you have all the information in one place. Please do check directly with the airline before booking as services can change over-time.

Needing medical oxygen to travel needn't be a worry!

The European Lung Organisation have produced and A-Z of all the airlines, their contact details and services:

Feeling tired with COPD?

lady looking out to sea

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can leave you feeling tired and sluggish but how to help combat this feeling so you can plan ahead for everything no matter what condition you have.

Here our 4 tips to remember:

  1. Remember that you may need supplemental oxygen to help you breathe, especially when you go on vacation
  2. Especially during winter you may be low on Vitamin D so make sure you take this supplement when days are short and mornings are dark
  3. Remember to REST. When walking or doing activities plan in some rest breaks and do not try to over exert yourself too much, you will simply become very tired or wear yourself out for the rest of the day
  4. Exercise such as walking or cycling is a good form of cardio than can be done most days for about 30 minutes

Travel tips for Christmas trips

travel tips

Traveling can be stressful let alone during the festive season when many are going home for the holidays, visiting friends and family and meeting up with loved ones for Christmas. This can provide another layer of anxiety for those using medical oxygen and could deter anyone from even thinking about travel. Here are a few tips so you can set off on your travels and not miss out plus feel more relaxed as with anything planning and being prepared is the best tip especially if you have portable oxygen to take with you and also if you are going away for a longer period than normal.

  1. Avoid travelling on busy days for example Christmas Eve or once most companies break up for the Christmas holidays.
  2. Always plan to have extra battery power in case of travel delays or disruptions beyond your control.
  3. Real Christmas trees are magical but for those with respiratory difficulties this can affect your breathing. Fake Christmas trees are much safer.
  4. The festive season brings out all the scents but also with this comes naked flames so avoid scented candles that may trigger problems and also walk passed those chestnuts on open fires or grills.
  5. If you are traveling via air or sea please do check with your transportation provider your needs and that you are all pre-booked for your requirements. It is always advised to check all requirements before travel to stop any confusion or problems when boarding.

Finally enjoy your holiday, the time of year and being with your loved ones. Christmas is a magical time and can be enjoyed by all. Simply plan and prepare for all situations. If you require medical oxygen abroad simply send your medical requirements to the team at OxygenWorldwide who can arrange everything for you. Having 24/7 contact especially during holidays is a must and the OxygenWorldwide team will be your support.

5 tips for winter if you have breathing problems

Here are our 5 tips to help you breathe better now we have moved into winter cold season:

  1. Use a scarf or mask to place around your mouth as this will make it easier to breathe in the cold winter air
  2. Use a humidifier at home to help keep the dry air moisturised
  3. For those who prefer to get outdoors remember to try to avoid the coldest part of the day
  4. Also move your exercises to indoors so not outside in the cold for too long
  5. If short of breath close your lips together when its cold

Winter is a season where it is best to make sure you are more aware of how this affects your breathing. Stay wrapped up warm, keep moving and if you have an inhaler keep this with you at all times. You may have asthma, COPD or another respiratory illness and remember just be prepared but you can still enjoy day to day activities.