World COPD day

world copd day

Today November 17th is World COPD Day!!!

The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) across the many countries and regions raise awareness of COPD. It also gives a good channel to share thoughts and discuss with others about life with COPD.

To find out more please visit the GOLD website here for helpful resources and information.

Top foods for healthy lungs


Whether or not you have a respiratory condition such as COPD, asthma or even exposure to toxins or cigarette smoke, healthy lungs are important to maintain.

There has been some research into certain food groups that have good nutrition benefits to reduce damage and help to protect this vital organ.

Here are 5 foods that could help:

1. Cocoa - now we all love chocolate so putting this one top of the list! Dark chocolate contains lots of antioxidants which help to relax the airways.

2. Coffee - again a good second choice also with its antioxidants and caffeine. Caffeine helps to open up the blood vessels which benefits people with asthma conditions.

3. Tomatoes - These contain Lycopene which is a type of antioxidant so again a great food item to reduce inflammation.

4. Turmeric - Known for its positives it contains Curcumin which is what is needed to help health improvements.

5. Apples - Eating an apple a day is true, especially with its benefits and vitamin C. Apples may help towards reducing the risk of lung cancer.



Stay well this winter

For those that already have a long-term condition, winter can be made worse. It doesn't have to bring you down - all you need to do if this is you is be a bit more careful and you can enjoy these seasonal months.

Here are 3 main things you can do to help winter be easier

  1. Make sure you eat regularly and have hot drinks such as coffee, tea or lemon and honey in hot water. Its also great to bake and cook your own hot main meal of the day such as soup, casserole or cake
  2. Keep your home warm at about 18 degrees especially your bedroom for when you are asleep at night time
  3. Also check in on your neighbours and friends - if you cannot walk or drive then do catch up regularly via a phone call - conversation is great and also they will know you are ok and well

Thinking of booking a holiday?

For many the rules, the traffic light system was all too much to make the usual trip abroad. It seemed simpler and easier to stay at home. Recently for UK travellers the traffic system has been taken away making it much simpler to travel. It will have less extra cost now that PCR tests have also been scrapped. The only rules you need to be aware of is the country you are visiting and to stay clear of red countries (currently at time of writing only 7 are on this list). These are all based on if you are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated travellers will still be required to take PCR tests before and after their travel.

Voila! Its now time to travel; so many short breaks to be had and get away for some winter sunshine, a city break or to see those you have been missing.

winter holidays

Don't forget travelling with medical oxygen needs also needn't be complicated. All you need is more organisation. That's why our team are on hand to help on that part - we just leave the destination to you! Contacto today to help with your plans.

Making memories this Christmas

family christmas

This festive season many of us will be making up for lost time and making new memories with our loved ones. The last Christmas saw many separated, divided, lonely and not able to experience the warm, family-filled Christmas-time we all were hoping for.

Coronavirus although still very much a part of life has meant many will want to enjoy Christmas even more. Many will make travel to see loved ones, experience festive fun travels, all come together for food, fun and make up for lost time.

Whether you are hosting a special celebration, going to spend Christmas back home or jetting off for travels - make it special!

Top 5 destinations this winter

waiting at airport to travel

If you are looking to take the chill out of the winter this year - visit one of the below destinations for a quick getaway or short break in Europe. Many cities only a few hours away have spectacular streets, galleries. museums and winter is perfect. These months tend to be quieter as it is off-peak season so even easier for you to wander, see and explore plus at a cheaper price for you holiday abroad. If you are travelling with medical oxygen please do contact us at OxygenWorldwide to help arrange all your medical oxygen needs to your desired destination.

  1. Cyprus - still quite a warm temperature if you are looking for some warmer sunshine
  2. Berlin - an deal city for anyone that is an eplorer
  3. Seville - perfect part to take in the culture and its decor
  4. Canary Islands - also known for winter sun breaks and popular with UK travellers
  5. Morocco - for those wanting some exotic culture, amazing architecture then Marrakesh is closer than you think for a quick getaway

Let's all get festive

This year talking about Christmas doesn't feel too early does it?! We all missed loved ones, travel, Christmas markets and all the work and friend socialising so this year we all cannot wait!

We have previously written a blog for this but feel that this year we all cannot wait and winter travel may be on the plans even more so. With the UK relaxing travel rules by November even further - catching some winter sun, taking a short break or flying to spend times with those we have all missed will be more popular this Christmas time.

Here are 5 top tips when travelling with oxygen over the festive period:

1) Make sure you have notified everyone on your expected times of arrival and where you are staying to ensure that your supply arrives at the correct location / date / time

2) Ensure you pack everything you will need for the destination you are visiting. Especially over the winter months take extra care in packing the right clothes for the temperature. Many countries over winter months drop and you will need to keep warm

3) Always take more than enough supply of medication with you – transportation car / train / boar or plane especially in colder climates could be delayed or cancelled and pro-long your trip

4) If you are staying with friends and family make sure they have OWW contact details as we are available for help 24/7 and can help if something goes wrong with your oxygen supply during your trip

5) Most of all enjoy Christmas and unwind. Relaxing is the best medicine as well as laughter and joy. Make memories during your trip that will last a lifetime.

For all your oxygen needs please do speak to one of our expert team at

Life after Covid-19

Face covering mask

Covid-19 is now with us all to stay. For those that have been through the effects of coronavirus this may in many cases mean respiratory problems into the future as part of your health.

As time goes on more and more research can be conducted, the learning and understand will become much more in depth. Many patients may experience health issues such as pneumonia post-covid is severe breathing problems in the future.

With an increase in respiratory and breathing problems medical oxygen will become in much more demand. Medical oxygen will also become a necessary life line for many to help breathing plus able to carry on with their life such as travel abroad, go outdoors and participate in other hobbies.

For more information about medical oxygen please see our other articles here

Conditions that can affect breathing


cuddly toy with breathing mask on to show needs help to breathe

If you have ever wondered what conditions can be caused when breathing, inflammation of the lungs or problems with respiratory, then here are the main conditions:

  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Asbestos-related lung diseases
  • Asthma
  • Atelectasis
  • Bronchitis
  • COPD
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • Pleural Disorders
  • Pneumonia
  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Sleep Apnea


Learn about oxygen and your eyes

woman's blue eye in illustrative drawing style

Another popular article from our archives to be brought to the top and our new readers to read.

Did you know that the cornea is one of the few parts of your body that doesn’t have blood vessels supplying oxygen to it. The only other parts are tooth enamel, hair and nails.

So that light can travel through the cornea is transparent as well as no sight of blood vessels.

As there are no blood vessels to carry any oxygen where does the eye get oxygen from? It has to come directly from the outside air. To keep the cornea nice and healthy oxygen enters tears and carbon dioxide is released via the same process back out to the atmosphere. Certain things such as keeping your eyes shut for a pro-longed period of time or wearing the wrong contact lens can cause the cornea to lack oxygen.

There could be bad affects if the cornea doesn't receive enough oxygen. This could be the ability to not detect pain, scarring and become less transparent. Additionally, new blood vessels from the sclera (the white part of the eye) can grow into the cornea and cause further damage and scarring. Always wondered why you may get a blood shot eye? This occurs when the cornea is looking for an alternative way to get more oxygen in. Since the cornea is without blood vessels, the retina pumps up its veins in attempt to absorb more oxygen.

This response can lead to other problems over time like corneal neovascularization and macular degeneration disease. The oxygen supply to the cornea is slightly less absorbed when contact lenses cover the cornea. Contact lenses are now made to allow more oxygen to pass through to the eye and some are designed to be in for long periods of time too.

It is always a good idea to check with your optician to make sure you have the correct type of lenses to avoid damaging your eyes. Early symptoms of a lack of oxygen include dryness and irritation as well as blood shot eye. Solutions and moisturisers are available to help keep your eyes healthy and oxygenated.

References: and
Original post 2015