Traveling during winter?

Winter is here...

Winter is here and we all notice and feel it from dark evenings even closer to putting on that cosy pair of socks when you get home. Most of us find it eady to stay at home during these months of the year but some may opt to travel to see relatives and friends during the festive season. Whether staying wrapped up indoors or planning a trip make sure you have followed preacaustios to stay safe when you have your oxygen equipment with you.

  •  Keep your medical oxygen unit at least 8-10 feet away from these heat sources to prevent explosions from the highly combustible concentrated oxyge
  • Chapped lips and dry skin are unfortunate marks of the season. When you’re picking a lotion to replenish parched skin, stay away from petroleum-based ointments. These substances can create violent reactions with medical oxygen, leading to burns around areas of application. Opt for aloe vera, cocoa butter, or water-based products instead, especially for dry nasal passages.
  • But what about spare tanks? Never store them in cabinets, closets or other unventilated areas, next to heat sources, or under curtains, clothing or fabrics. If a cart to store the oxygen tank upright is not available, store tanks flat on its side and safe from rolling. Store empty tanks separate from full ones.
  • Your tubing is prone to cracks when transferring from heat to cold quickly, so tuck them carefully inside of your clothing. Additionally, an abrupt drop in temperature creates damaging condensation in your tank, so bundle your device into a blanket or thermal covering before you step out of the house to retain heat.

If you are planning to travel abroad then OxygenWorldwide offers help when going away with medical oxygen. There is always someone available to contact if you have anything to be questioned or your oxygen tank is not 1000%. The 24 hour service is for our clients and one of our expert team members is always on hand to help.


Christmas and not letting COPD or Asthma get in the way of having fun...


At this time of year as the nights draw in common colds and flu associated with the cold weather start to appear. This doesn't help anyone with respiratory illnesses. Christmas also brings on added stress and also excitement that may trigger asthma attacks.One of the best things you can do to make sure you have a symptom-free Christmas is to plan ahead.

Make sure you stock up on much needed medicines. Take extra care when you purchase your all important Christmas tree which can trigger attached even in artificial trees whereas real trees carry mould that breathes in warm areas so if you can place your tree in a cool area this would be better.

If you’re planning to travel this Christmas – whether it’s to visit friends or family, or go on holiday – planning ahead can help prevent problems and help you make the most of your festive time away. Small things such as dust can trigger asthma when staying at friends and family houses. Carrying anitihistamines can help or explaining to family to dust down and vacuum before you stay could help.

If you are travelling abroad then be sure to plan in advance as many places are not open all the time. Our team of experts will help plan your medical oxygen needs leaving you to enjoy and relax your special memories with your friends and family.

We take care of everyone...

At OxygenWorldwide no matter how young we will take care.

Respiratory diseases are amongst all ages and therefore we are a service that takes this into consideration. You may be travelling to Disneyland in America or to your holiday retreat in Spain but what ever destination you choose we will make sure your care is in good hands.


Girl with inhaler

Asthma, which one do i have?

Although there are many different types of asthma, there are many patterns to which ones but they are all to do with inflammination of the airways. There are many types of asthma but mainly the follwoing ones listed here:

  • Allergic asthma
  • Non-allergic asthma
  • Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis
  • Aspirin-induced asthma
  • Adult-onset asthma
  • Asthma with fixed airflow obstruction
  • Exercise-induced asthma
  • Cough-variant asthma
  • Work-related asthma
  • Nighttime (Nocturnal) asthma
  • Asthma with obesity

Asthma is a long term disese and even though there may be different types based on lung function and symptoms it can be controlled.

Oxygen Delivery and the Bangkok driver


Delivery of medical oxygen is so important and prescious to those who need it whilst traveling and away from home. This video is worrying to us but here at OxygenWorldwide we take pride in who we use as suppliers and try to maintain as much care and help as possible to all our customers.


Can't sleep and counting sheep?

Having sleep problems like sleep apnea can add to the complications of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

If you are having sleep problems and suffer from asthma or COPD it could make your breathing diseases worse. It is important to diagnose your sleep problems so that doctors can give patients the correct treatment plan.

If you just have asthma, it’s less prevalent, but it can be there as well, especially if there is obesity with asthma. For those who are trying to manage asthma, COPD and sleep apnea then it is important to help manage your breathing esepcially when you sleep.

Speak to one of our experts when you are planning to travel and need medical oxygen at @oxygenworldwide

How dogs heal...


Becca Blond's story of how she was able to travel again when she discovered how her dogs helped her from her anixity disorder and panic attacks.

Her self-written article really helps show how animals do help to keep humans calm. The story is very heart-warming that has allowed her to travel and see the world again.

Read how Bobbi, Becca's dog helped her...

Around three years ago I had a panic attack — which also makes my blood pressure shoot up — during a routine check-up at O’Donnell’s office. My ex had driven me to the appointment that day and was waiting outside with one of our rescue dogs, Bobbi. O’Donnell suggested I bring the pup inside, as I usually feel calmer in the presence of my dogs. With Bobbi next to me, my blood pressure returned to a more normal level and the anxiety began to recede.

Follow their travels on Instagram @planetblond
Read the full story here 


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Just the ticket...

Here at OxygenWorldwide we treat all our customers not just like a number. We as a team have been looking after our customers to travel with no stress with medical oxygen in over 50 countries across the globe.

Many of our customers travel with COPD, asthma, bronchitus, respiratory problems to name a few and are delighted that our services help them have their long awaited vacation, visit their loved ones many times a year.

Travelling with medical oxygen seems complicated but speak to one of our advisors and the dream can become a reality.


listening to sound

Can oxygen improve hearing?

hearing and oxygen

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) added to standard medical therapy (MT) seems beneficial for sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), according to a review published online Sept. 27 in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

The study was done in the National Maritime Medical Research Centre in Changwon, Korea. It is a really interesting article published this month as they study suggests that oxygen therapy patients had higher chances of recovery from hearing loss. The benefits gained from using HBOT was much more increased than the study of the group without any therapy.

This is a great read for those looking to improve any loss of hearing and hope to improve using medical oxygen and hope you can hear me....

Our Pure Breathe Collection


See our pure breath collection video to showcase how we at OxygenWorldwide for over 20 years have used our expertise and knowledge to help many who need oxygen to travel get to their destinations and enjoy their time away.