Oxygen is like love


As we approach Valentine's day and being in the month of love it would be ideal to talk about all the things we admire, love and reach out to. For most oxygen is the dearest thing that is the lifeline to be able to carry on and be able to travel with oxygen, move around with oxygen, stay at home and be with loved ones around you. It is the most important and critical medical need for many.

love is like oxygen

During this time our dearest friends and family are our support network and loving them is so close to our hearts and keeps our spirits up. If you love you health then keeping up with exercises, breathing techniques and being healthy will help to assist continuing being able to do the things we love such as visitig amazing cultures and countries across the globe.

Feeling the love - read our client testimonials here for those who have travelled with medical oxygen via OxygenWorldwide.


Trouble breathing? Shall I keep working....

When you are living with a condition this affects many areas of your life including your work, career and can cause additional stress upon youself. Employers should also take care and dewdiligence and there are many ways in which you can conitnue to successfully carry on working instead of long term disability.

Depending on your career and employment if you have conditions such as severe asthma, COPD or other respiratory diseases here are a few simple taks you can ask your employers to undertake so that you are able to perform to your best ability each day you go to work:

  • If you workplace is large then ground floor would be much easier if you require a desk space
  • Being flexible for doctor appointments and even working from home or remote working
  • Parking near to the entrance of your workplace or even reserve a space nearer for you
  • Being near windows to allow ventilation and air as and when you require

Take care of yourself and make sure you do what is comfortable for you, if you need to take your medical oxygen to work with you then do so and make appropriate arrangements with management and the HR teams.

What we do is care - look up our OxygenWorldwide services here to see what we do for travelling with medical oxygen to keep you moving and enjoying the best out of life. Do not let anything stop you and holidays are a certain way to visit the ones you love, see cultures and experience new sites. When you book your next holiday entitlement from your job then do let us know and we can assist with all your oxygen needs.

Flying away? How to prepare your mind, body and oxygen levels...

It's time to pack and for some this may mean very careful planning but with our experts at @oxygenworldwide we can help remove a lot of stressful planning when your essentials include medical oxygen.

Flying on aeroplanes can take away energy cause fatigue, dry out skin and dehydrate you. When traveling remember to not cause yourself too much stress and plan in advance, book taxis or transport to the airport in plenty of time and make sure airlines are aware of any requirements in advance such as dietary conditions or special assistance needs.

Make sure you always carry some water on you to stop dehydration and make sure you move around a bit to keep your circulation moving especially when travelling long haul and to any of these countries that we also deal with regularly when delviering oxygen.

It is highly recommended to carry any important or recent medical records, in case you need to be seen by a different provider while traveling.

And if you aren’t feeling well, it might be worth putting off air travel.

When organising your trip use our FAQ section that will help answers a few of those questions all in one place. Also if you have any queries please do get in touch as our team are on hand to help when travelling with oxygen.

Happy holidays!

lady breathing

Breathe better this year...


January is the time where many of us take on new challenges, goals and motivate ourselves. It is always a fantastic opportunity to make sure we look after ourselves from diet and exercise to helping aid our wellbeing. Breathing and changing the patterns of this is said to help reduce stress and relieve anxiety or imporve enduarance physically.

The Healing Power of Breath, doctors Richard P. Brown and Patricia L. Gerbarg write about some techniques and methods that could if used help all of the above:

  1. Pursed-lip breathing method – This is the easiest one to start with. With relaxed shoulders, take a normal breath in for about two counts. Then pucker your lips and exhale for about four counts. Repeat this pattern a few times.
  2. 4-7-8 method – In this technique, you exhale through your mouth and then close it and inhale through your nose for four counts. You hold the breath in for seven counts and then release it for eight counts. Repeat at least three times.
  3. Belly-breathing method – Also known as ‘abdominal breathing.’ With your shoulders back, keep one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. As you breathe in deeply for about two seconds, your belly should stick out a bit. Feel the air expanding your stomach and then breathe out slowly through your lips.

All of the above helps to de-stress and breathe better for longer. Especially if you need supplemental oxygen every day and especially when you need to travel. Travel alone causes stress with co-ordinating the organisation and this is why you are not alone. Try some new exercises for your breathing and you may find you are not only heathier but happier too. If you need OxygenWorldwide's services please do read our client testimonials as we care for all our customers around the world.


Black oxygen cylinders

What does medical oxygen do?

So lets go back to what does medical oxygen do? Some of you will already know the exact functions of this very important and vital medical piece of equipment but for those who want to find out more please do read on...

Medical oxygen is used to provide a basis for anaesthetic techniques, restore tissue oxygen tension in a wide range of condtions suc as COPD, asthma, hemorrhage and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Medical oxygen has an expiry of 3 years so this is very important to be kept in line with and liquid oxygen tanks deliver about 6 litres per minute.

Many people use medical oxygen to improve their condition by breathing in air that contains more oxygen from a cylinder. Breathing air with oxygen increases oxygen in your blood. This makes even the most simplest of activities such as walking much easier.

As long as you plan in advance with OxygenWorldwide you can still go on holiday! Oxygen can be delivered to your destination with enough supply to last your holiday duration. Please do find out if our team can help organise your next trip as we deliver to many countries across the world.

person sleeping in bed

Oxygen + Sleep = Deep sleep

On national #FestivalOfSleepDay it is great to show how we can help improve sleep in our daily lives. Sleep is so important to every day function, health and wellbeing. After the craziness of all the recent festivities its time to sit back and make sure we get all the 'shut eye' we need.

For those that have medical conditions such as asthma, COPD or parkinson's night-time problems can be common and affect people at different stages but the main problem is sleep deprivation causing serious consequences on your physical health.

Exposure to high levels of oxygen encourages the brain to remain in deep, restorative sleep, according to a new study by University of Alberta neuroscientists. The research highlights the potential for oxygen therapy for humans in a clinical setting.

"Oxygen therapy could be used to enhance slow-wave states during sleep to ensure that individuals who may have disrupted sleep are getting enough of the restorative, slow-wave sleep," said Dickson. "Of course, this has to be tested first before it could become a therapeutic reality."

The study was published in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

#FestivalOfSleepDay helps promote getting that extra bit of sleep you need, make sure you rest and relax and wind down in the evenings after work. If at home make sure you are comfortable, even going to bed earlier helps get some extra snooze. With more sleep we can function much better giving our bodies the rest it needs especially if we have respiratory conditions.

OxygenWorldwide provides medical oxygen 24/7 across many locations internationally. Find out more here...

Play and wait for it...


Oxygen is what we source and provide for our customers and this is what we provide, 24/7 around hundreds of destinations every day.

With over 25 years of experience our team can provide you with all the information you need to make your next trip with medical oxygen stress-free and confidence in travelling across land and air more often.


Merry Christmas...

Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noël, Frohe Weinachten, Buon Natale, Vrolijk kerstfeest


Cheer Cheer ...

Stay cheered up with a cuppa

When you are lying in bed or sitting on the sofa at home wishing you weren't ill. You just want to go to bed and sleep to forget everything for that little moment of time. From time to time we all feel sorry for ourselves, especially with chronic or long-term sickness.

Here are a few ideas on how to cheer up your loved ones and bring a little smile:

Keep Your Distance. Why not send an uplifting bouquet of flowers or leave a care package at her doorstep? Send a quick text message or post on socials. Just remember - while it may feel odd and callous to you not to visit her face-to-face, most likely she would rather stay in bed than try to have a conversation. 

Take on the to-do list. Help by offering to take on a task or two - maybe walk the dog, shop for food, or pick up kids from school. Every little task you can take off will be a huge blessing; you can believe it!

Be Warm. Think about your friend and what seems to comfort them in tough situations. Maybe a long soak in a warm tub with a great book?  Or a nice cupp a tea? Personalised gifts will not only comfort her aching body, but will also warm her heart.

In need of oxygen?

We have a team of experts for all your medical oxygen needs. 24/7 contact when you are one of our customers, available to 120 countries and we speak 5 languages.


When it comes to your health you need knowledgable, caring and friendly experts to help plan and guide you or help you when you need us.

OxygenWorldwide is a company for all your medical oxygen needs whilst traveling.