Oxygen and holiday - what we do...


Our blog articles are normally here to help give advice and tips for those travelling with medical oxygen and today we want to show you how we have been experts in this field for over 20 years.

This is what we do:

  • OxygenWorldwide arranges oxygen delivery worldwide for oxygen users on holiday or staying abroad for a longer period of time, also in case of a tour through several countries.
  • All OxygenWorldwide employees are multilingual. Our customer service staff speaks five languages.
  • OxygenWorldwide arranges oxygen at home after hospital discharge.
  • OxygenWorldwide delivers liquid oxygen (LOX), cylinders and (portable) concentrators.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

3 tips on how to prepare for winter

preparing for winter
  1. Keep your medical equipment in safe places and always upright and any spares keep away from heat indoors or behind curtains
  2. Don't get too hot! Keep any portable oxygen concentrators, medical oxygen tanks away from fires, candles, stoves and heaters that are on during the colder months to avoid explosions.
  3. Going outside? Prepare well as extreme changes in temperature may cause condensation in your tank or cracking on any tubing. Keep what you can under your clothes or a blanket to kept equipment insulated.

Fit to fly??


The European Lung Association show us the The Hypoxic Challenge test, also known as a fit to fly test.

You breathe in air that has less oxygen than normally and the test monitors the results. The test will help decide if you need oxygen when you fly and then you can prepare to organise this for your next trip.

If you require medical oxygen for your next holiday let us know! Drop us an online enquiry here.


3 ways to help cluster headaches

Cluster headaches happen in periods and are one of the most painful type of headache with very intense pain - usually in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep. Here are some types of treatment that can help relieve cluster headaches:

  1. Oxygen - Using oxygen can help reduce and give relief of symptoms. Using this method of oxygen is safe and there are many portable oxygen concentrators available to hire or buy on the market. If you need to go on holiday then you can speak to OxygenWorldwide to help arrange what oxygen you need whilst abroad.

2. Triptans - This is an injection format to teat the headaches and used mainly for the less aggressive migraine. To start with you can go to your GP or specialist to learn how to inject to begin with. This method acts faster than for example inhaling with a nasal spray but you may feel more comfortable with a spray than an injection.

3. Local anesthetics - This method is a better form if you prefer to have something through the nose and can be used over the injection method.

Cluster headaches range in severeness so you would need to discuss all your options with your specialist to find out and discuss what is right for you. Sufferers need some form of relief as it is very painful and disruptive to your day-to-day life.

Oxygen and why babies may need help breathing.

There are many medical reasons for why babies may need medical oxygen when going home such as difficulty catching breathe, apnea and many other airway problems that develop after birth.

Your baby may need a certain type of medical oxygen which may be an oxygen concentrator which can be used throughout the day or night and also allow you to travel.

As long as you have back up oxygen you will never run out.

Careful planning will ensure you can always rely on enough oxygen to last you whilst at home or travelling and keeping all of this attached to your pram whilst out of home and also in your baby's room at night.

If your baby requires medical oxygen to help or aid breathing speak to your doctor's to seek the best advice, equipment and what to do at home before you return to make it comfortable and safe for what your baby needs.

2 breathing exercises for COPD


Coping with COPD is hard but when you start to get stressed, worried or upset or even whilst you are exercising, this may cause even more trouble breathing especially if you work yourself into being upset and tense your whole body. This in turn will cause shortened breaths and difficulty breathing normally.

In order to try and help there are a couple of techniques that could be advised to try. These techniques help focus on your breathing and slow down the panic and tensing up which stops your body from being able to breathe properly.

  1. One is a belly breathing exercise which you should get more advise from your doctor about the correct technique but ultimately using your diaphragm more with it rising as you breathe in through your nose and lower as you breathe slowly out your mouth.
  2. The second is breathing through your nose and out through partially closed lips. This is a great exercise to use during exercise when you may feel short of breath. Breathe out slowly don't rush as this aids to help you able to exercise for longer intervals.

Feel free to speak or comment on our blog as we have a community of readers who require oxygen every day and may be able to help you if you have any questions.

OxygenWorldwide allows you to travel worldwide with medical oxygen arranging the safe delivery at your destination for your trip.

Oxygen on holiday

going on holiday with oxygen

Before you arrange your holiday visit your GP or doctor to get a written letter stating that you are fit for travel.

Just give yourself plenty of time prior to your trip to arrange everything you need for your oxygen supply when going abroad for your holidays. Make sure you let your accommodation hosts or company know that you will be having a delivery of medical oxygen on your stay dates.

Contacto OxygenWorldwide for all your oxygen needs for at your destination. The team can provide you will quotes and arrange everything medical oxygen wise for you for your stay.

The Brain and Breathing

Lots of research and articles by scientists explain just how breathing and how you breathe can connect to the brain and different parts when not our automatic action of breaths.

yoga and breathing

There are different types of therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, trauma therapy, or various types of spiritual exercises which all involve focusing and regulating breathing but does controlling inhaling and exhaling have any profound effect on your behaviour? This is the question many researchers have been trying to discover. So far it has been researched that it can gain control and aid towards calmness and focusing more.

Focusing on breathing or doing breathing exercises could adapt the brain. This has potential in a range of jobs that require extreme focus. Athletes, for example, have long been known to improve performance statistics with their breathing.

These studies can be found via the study, conducted by my post-doctoral researcher, Dr. Jose Herrero, in collaboration with Dr. Ashesh Mehta, a renowned neurosurgeon at NorthShore University Hospital in Long Island. 

Breathing techniques to help relieve asthma

Firstly yoga is said to help with breathing problems including asthma for people that need medical oxygen to assist with their breathing. Yoga includes deep breathes through the nose is said to help. Going to a fully trained yoga instructor is said to help aid those with breathing difficulties.

Secondly meditation as this helps the body to relax and open up the airwaves avoiding tense, panic attacks and lack of oxygen to the lungs. Being relaxed also helps to sleep better and have a positive energy.

For those who want to travel more and explore OxygenWorldwide can help assist in your plans when going away and needing medical oxygen abroad.

10 foods that are high in oxygen

Alkaline helps increase oxygen levels in the blood so these foods will help you get a rich oxygen diet:

  1. Avocados,
  2. Berries,
  3. Ripe Bananas,
  4. Garlic,
  5. Sweet Grapes And Pears,
  6. Raisins,
  7. Apricots,
  8. Asparagus,
  9. Mango,
  10. Watermelon

There are more foods which can help enrich a high oxygen level diet so please do seek nutrition advice from your medical support. Otherwise enjoy all these foods which are high in goodness to help increase your oxygen blood levels and help aid your wellness.