Asthma Attack back at you!


Here are the top reasons why medical oxygen helps to fight back if you have asthma. For those who suffer from asthma or similar breathing conditions using medical oxygen can help your symptoms and the lack of oxygen you experience throughout your daily life.

  1. The biggest reason is that using medical oxygen means this gives you more oxygen into your lungs. This is the one thing you do need and the most important. Say yes to more oxygen in your lungs!
  2. It means you can not be isolated and can travel, go outside and even explore the world. Medical oxygen can be supplied so that you can carry this portable device with you! Great news book your next adventure as your oxygen can be supplied to you at your destination - see here!
  3. Lastly it helps regain your well-being and health. Be able to breathe again and maintain a good daily life means you will not only be able to do more but this will help you mentally with feeling happier, healthier and remove all those negative effects when feeling down or that there is no way out.


5 tips if you are home this winter and using medical oxygen...

Medical oxygen can help with a variety of needs such as if you have any of the following medical conditions:

Sleep apnea

  1. If you use a cannula make sure you clean it every couple of weeks. You can also use a mask as an option too which should be cleaned or changed after a month.
  2. If your portable oxygen concentrator has an external filter, this may need to be rinsed out each week. Always check with your oxygen company for the exact recommendations as this may differ by model or brand of machine.
  3. Stay warm when you are indoors if in a colder climate - keep your temperature at a good level so you do not feel cold and catch other problems whilst sitting at home.
  4. Try and move if you are not going outside as much as the darker nights draw in. To keep mobile make sure you walk around your house and also try and do chair exercises these are great if you are not very mobile and also mean you can watch your favourite programme at the same time!
  5. If you are now at home make sure if you are planning your summer trip away as you dream of your next dose of sunshine to check out and message our team at OxygenWorldwide

Why is travelling with oxygen such a challenge and here's how to do it...

Going on holiday mostly does require air travel and when you and many others need medical oxygen this needs to be made as accessible as ever, as we all live longer and also enjoy travel to much more this service is a necessity that should be provided. At first it can seem difficult, daunting and also where do you start?!

Providers such as OxygenWorldwide can help you! Do not worry the best thing is to make sure you have left enough:

  • Planning time
  • Planning time and
  • Planning time

As long as you contact our team with your destination, oxygen requirements and dates of travel we can help source, book and organise all your medical oxygen needs! 

Its relieves the stress from your end but we have built up over 20 years experience and relationships across over 40 countries worldwide.

Contact us for your next holiday!

Does oxygen help with sleep apnea?


It is natural for your oxygen levels to fall lower when you are sleeping at night. Although some conditions such as sleep apnea may improve with the addition of oxygen whilst you are sleeping. It is very common that people who have an oxygen level that falls lower than 88% whilst sleeping will require some oxygen at night.

Medical oxygen will help improve those low oxygen levels but you can also try exercising regularly and make sure you are not drinking alcohol before bedtime. 

Having a better nights' sleep will improve your mood, decrease fatigueness and overall improve your health.

A better nights' sleep will maintain an improvement in your life - discuss all your options with your specialist or GP first.

If you suffer with deprived sleeping patterns this can affect your daily life and well-being.

It is important to try and improve your energy and mood so you can live a balanced and happy life.


Top tips for travelling with Oxygen this Christmas


It is now that time of year when you start feeling a little more festive. Christmas lights switch on, families and friends start planning get-togethers and gatherings and out come the cosy jumpers and woolly hats. Planning gifts and hosting dinner parties may seem jolly but some people may be feeling stress and a bit anxious travelling with oxygen over the Christmas season.

Do not worry at all here at OxygenWorldwide we can let you spend more time downloading your favourite book, Christmas playlist and purchasing presents for your loved ones so just leave the organisation of medical oxygen for you travel needs to us! 

Here are 5 top tips when travelling with oxygen over the festive period:

1) Make sure you have notified everyone on your expected times of arrival and where you are staying to ensure that your supply arrives at the correct location / date / time

2) Ensure you pack everything you will need for the destination you are visiting. Especially over the winter months take extra care in packing the right clothes for the temperature. Many countries over winter months drop and you will need to keep warm

3) Always take more than enough supply of medication with you - transportation car / train / boar or plane especially in colder climates could be delayed or cancelled and pro-long your trip

4) If you are staying with friends and family make sure they have OWW contact details as we are available for help 24/7 and can help if something goes wrong with your oxygen supply during your trip

5) Most of all enjoy Christmas and unwind. Relaxing is the best medicine as well as laughter and joy. Make memories during your trip that will last a lifetime.

For all your oxygen needs please do speak to one of our expert team at


Oxygen by drone arrival


Soon we may be delivering your medical oxygen by arrangement of drone transportation! It is probably no surprise that drones can be used to not only help in emergencies but also may soon replace our 'postie' or delivery driver. The ease and use of these mean that one day medical oxygen can be sent to the most remote places or even beat the traffic jams, most importantly vital in an emergency case with a patient.

We hope to reach more patients and also faster with this technology, but we will see - can you see the future and drones will be delivering your medical oxygen when on holiday?


It's okay leave the boxes to us!


Our team of experts have been thinking outside the box for 23 years!

For those who know we have been helping people travel abroad for holidays, trips and to visit loved ones for a long time. We have built up some great relationships across the world which help us get you reliable services 24/7.

Thinking outside the box means you can trust us to get your enquiry proposal to be the best competitive quote for quality service.

We are also always on hand with any query whilst you are away to give you that security and back-up when travelling abroad.

Our team can speak a range of various languages to also help in translation.

Read all about us here


Travelling with oxygen...

There is only one place to go to for all your needs when you want to travel with medical oxygen. We may be biased of course but we do have over 20 years experience and look at all our lovely comments that our customers have taken the time to send to us here.


Taking oxygen abroad on holiday

holiday with oxygen
  1. Its not as difficult as you think to travel with medical oxygen
  2. Now we may be biased but with over 20 years experience here at OxygenWorldwide we can help organise this for your holiday
  3. If travelling abroad by train, coach or car then as long as you plan ahead any mode of transport is possible
  4. First speak with your doctor to make sure you are fit to travel especially as some airlines will want to know if you are certified Fit to Fly
  5. Plan how long you will be abroad for as this will determine how much medical oxygen you will need to pre-book in advance along with some spare (just in case)
  6. Make sure you take all your required medications with you
  7. Lastly enjoy your holiday and relax and explore

Sing until your heart is content...

Now for all of you out there who may enjoy a sing in the shower, bursting out at home whilst cleaning, singing along to your Alexa or Google hone so of you may who may not sing either but have lung problems or breathing difficulties read this!

Even listening to music can help you mentally feel much happier, positive and upbeat (pardon the pun!). This is turn will make you feel so much healthier in day to day life. You may already take part in a singing group or just as a hobby at home or in the car but it is said that due to its positivity an improvement in your health will ultimately help you. Music and other creative activities can make you feel healthier and more positive. There’s increasing evidence that singing regularly as part of a group is good for your soul and health. It seems to be especially good at improving your quality of life if you’re living with a lung condition.

There are no excuses to improve your health with a lung condition especially those who have medical oxygen to aid breathing to make sure you...

Sing to your heart's content

Now its time to play your favourite classic record, turn on your favourite radio station or watch and discover new music on YouTube or spotify. Create your own set of playlists for you to listen to depending on your mood that day.

Whether this is rock, pop, jazz, swing or simple melodies, classical or rap - any genre of music and singing will improve your well-being.