Migraine Trust
A rare type of headache that affects about 1 to 2 people in every 1,000

- Cluster headache is the only indication for oxygen therapy in the absence of hypoxia
- During attacks patients are often restless, agitated, or both
- Attacks typically last for 15 to 180 minutes untreated and have a frequency of 1 every other day for up to 8 attacks a day
- Using inhaled high-flow oxygen is more likely to result in being pain-free after 15 minutes
- Oxygen therapy can be administered at different flow rates
- High flow oxygen is very effective in some patients in relieving symptoms of an acute cluster headache quickly and safely
- Cluster headache bouts alternate with remission periods, when patients are pain free
- In the majority of these patients, the headaches occur in clusters (bouts) with daily attacks for several weeks
- Oxygen is one of the safest ways to treat cluster headache