In principle, we can deliver oxygen worldwide, but given the varying security norms we urge you to contact us before making your travel plans or booking your trip to ensure that oxygen actually can be delivered at your intended destination.
You will be given a quote at a custom-made price depending on destination, type of oxygen and other services you may desire. Please fax or email the required details to us and we will send you a price specification based on your specific needs.
To receive a quote without obligations simply please fill out the form on this website (‘Enquiries‘). In case you then decide to place an order, we will contact you for additional information.
It is not possible to have third party cylinders or containers filled anywhere.
If you decide to do so, please contact us as soon as you know your new departure dates for us to be able to inform your insurer and/or oxygen supplier.
If you specify this on your request, it will not be a problem.
You don’t need not to look for us. We will be waiting for you at the airplane door.
Liquid oxygen drums are equipped with a pressure relief valve. Movement, change in temperature, etc. converts the liquid oxygen into a gas (O2) that can escape from the drum via the relief valve. This does not happen to cylinders.
In principle, this is possible, but it depends on the supplier and the region you are travelling to.
In addition to the concentrator an emergency cylinder will be provided, just like is done in case of liquid oxygen.
Absolutely. We have got an emergency number that we will give you before you leave for travel. We are available at this number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can request a non-binding quotation for oxygen services abroad.
We have started a special service for the initial set-up of the medical oxygen at your destination to give you peace of mind.
Find out all the news and updates about travelling with oxygen.
Your insurance company may reimburse all or part of your oxygen costs. We recommend you to contact your insurance company before departure.
In case OxygenWorldwide receives the delivery order from the insurance company, OxygenWorldwide will invoice the insurance company directly.

You can request a non-binding quotation for oxygen services abroad.
We have started a special service for the initial set-up of the medical oxygen at your destination to give you peace of mind.
Find out all the news and updates about travelling with oxygen.
Types of Equipment
Types of Equipment

When submitting your request you must specify which type of oxygen you prefer. OxygenWorldwide will honour your request as closely as possible.
In general, the following types of oxygen equipment are available, possibly in combination with one another:
- Liquid oxygen (LOX) with a portable unit
- Concentrators and/or portable concentrators
- Cylinders
- Small cylinders
- Other forms: e.g. CPAP or other respiratory support equipment
You can request a non-binding quotation for oxygen services abroad.
We have started a special service for the initial set-up of the medical oxygen at your destination to give you peace of mind.
Find out all the news and updates about travelling with oxygen.
24/7 customer service in 5 languages: The OxygenWorldwide service is available 24 hours a day via the telephone numbers (+ 34) 96.688.28.73 (GMT time) and for emergency calls out of office hours at: (+ 34) 609.657.727 in 5 languages. English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch. OxygenWorldwide likes to emphasise this point to our clients as this is a very unique customer service when it comes to medical oxygen supply worlwide.
Accessories: is a term often used on applications. Accessories required can be e.g. A nose mask, mouth/nose mask, (extension) hoses, humidifier, distilled water, carry bag for cylinder, trolley for cylinder.
Administration / organisation cost: The total cost for a oxygen supply by OxygenWorldwide includes everything like administration / organisation, transport, rental of equipment, and accessories, actual oxygen, refills, accessories, VAT and access to a 24/7 telephone service in 5 languages.
AGA Linde: AGA Linde has worldwide many divisions like e.g. BOC and AirProducts Sud. To provide a similar service like OxygenWorldwide does, Linde had set up OXYTRAVEL. Originally based in Paris it moved to Prague some years later. In March 2010 Linde asked OxygenWorldwide to take over Oxytravel and take care of all Linde related clients travelling with medical oxygen worldwide which took effect in July 2010.
Airlines rules for medical oxygen: The airline rules for use or taking oxygen equipment during a flight vary per airline. In general one can find this information on the airline’s website or ask your travel agent. An airline can arrange the supply of medical oxygen at a certain cost. One will have to provide a doctor’s prescription so the airline company can make sure that enough oxygen will be on boar. Please note there is often a limit in the amount of oxygen an airline allows on board, the same counts for the number of oxygen patients per flight. When it comes to taking own equipment like portable concentrators on board for use during the flight the airline company generally stipulates on it’s website which models are allowed. OxygenWorldwide does not arrange oxygen on flights.
Airline database
Airport Service: OxygenWorldwide provides in some countries a Airport Service. Please contact us for availability at info@oxygenworldwide.com. An Airport Service means that someone who is authorized to meet you at the door of the aircraft will hand you your pre-rented oxygen device. This can be a stroller (portable liquid oxygen unit which enables you to get to your holiday address where we have already installed the main liquid oxygen base unit for you. When you return home after your stay you we will meet you again at the door of the aircraft to collect the stroller. Please note there is an extra charge for this service each way.
Alarm Centers: Worldwide provides alarm centres, who generally support travelling clients. Worlwide approached OxygenWorldwide to arrange the oxygen supply for its clients as this is such a specialised field. Oxygenworldwide have specialist knowledge and beside the worldwide network and relationships, also knowledge of the requirements provided in at least 5 languages; English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch.
Alarm concentrators: The standard domestic and portable concentrators are equipped with an alarm system. When the machine for whatever reason turns off and a beep sound is heard. The reason is that if e.g. The concentrator stops during the time that the user is a sleep this person might not notice it and shortage of oxygen could harm the users health.
Apartments: When a client intends to stay in e.g. an apartment complex or in a private house opposed to a hotel, there is often more to be pre-arranged. OxygenWorldwide will examine whether there is a reception which is open during the day, or a caretaker present. In some cases OxygenWorldwide might contact a neighbour or anyone else for that matter who can provide access to the dwelling so the delivery of the oxygen equipment can take place before the actual arrival of the client.
Arrival: Before the arrival of our client we will confirm delivery with the reception of the hotel, porter of the apartment building or local contact person. We aim to have the delivery done at least one day before the arrival of the client. Due to local holidays or the lack of access to the building or house etc. we might be forced to make the delivery even earlier or at the actual arrival day of the client itself.
Backup cylinder: This is a cylinder (generally 10 or 20 litres) to be used if there is a power failure when using a stationary concentrator or when your liquid oxygen unit fails. Although OxygenWorldwide does its utmost to have these cylinders provided at no charge we can not guarantee this on a worldwide scale. In case a back-up cylinder is delivered and one should return it with the delivery truck because it e.g. takes up to much space in a holiday apartment OxygenWorldwide can not be held responsible for any problem caused.
Bank transfer: As banks worldwide charge differently for transfers OxygenWorldwide wants its client to be aware of this before making the payment. To avoid transfer cost one could use OxygenWorldwide’s credit card payment facilities for MasterCard and Visa on the website . In case we need to return by transfer a deposit to someone we will need an IBAN number and BIC/SWIFT code.
Battery life of a portable oxygen concentrator: The battery of a portable oxygen concentrator is a crucial element. When bought new the time that the battery will last sounds promising but until today batteries looses strength and before one realises the battery life is not as long as one would like. Luckily can one take a spare battery along or charge the portable oxygen concentrator (POC) in a car or restaurant and in even in some aircrafts.
BPAP: Positive airway pressure (PAP) is a mode of respiratory ventilation used primarily in the treatment of sleep apnoea. PAP ventilation is also commonly used for those who are critically ill in hospital with respiratory failure, and in new-born infants.
Campsites and oxygen: A number of medical oxygen users are staying at campsites for their holidays. Generally a campsite has a reception where OxygenWorldwide can deliver the oxygen equipment the day before arrival of the user. At some campsites the staff does not want to keep the equipment stored in the reception area but want it to be delivered directly to the campsite of the user. As the user generally has not arrived this can be a problem. OxygenWorldwide will therefore contact the campsite as they do with hotels etc. too to arrange a suitable delivery time.
Carry bag for cylinders: For you comfort carry bags could be delivered to carry small oxygen cylinders. Please note that this is generally for aluminium cylinders which are commonly used in the USA. In Europe generally steel cylinders are used and often to heavy to carry around.
Conserving device: Used with an oxygen cylinder, an oxygen conserving device (OCR) releases a flow of oxygen only when the patient inhales. This intermittent oxygen flow extends the time an oxygen cylinder will last. These devices are not everywhere readily available and the use of an OCR must be carefully evaluated to meet individual patient needs.
Content check portable oxygen device (stroller): After filling the stroller one can check the content of the stroller, it depends the model provided how to go about this. Certain strollers have an indicator with LED lights but often one has to pick up the stroller and hold it by the shoulder strap. Between the shoulder strap and the device a small measuring scale is located. The weight of the stroller is indicated on the scale. If the indicator is showing the green part the stroller will contain sufficient oxygen, if the indicator is red it needs to be filled more. In case the stroller has a led light indicator make sure that the batteries are working.
Content oxygen cylinders: Oxygen cylinders come in different sizes and have various pressure capacities. Cylinders are identified by letter according to their size. Manufacturers stats vary, some say D cylinders (the most common size) hold 300 to 350 litres, others 415. E = 625/682 M = 3,000/3,450, 1723 G = 5,300, H = 6,900. At 12 LPM a 415 litre tank will run for an average of 35 minutes. A D tank, with 300-350 litres will run for 50 minutes at six litres per minute, or 35 minutes at 10 LPM, or 30 minutes at 10 LPM. An E tank, with 600 litres would run for 1 and 3/4 hours at 6 litres per minute, one hour ten minutes at 10 LPM or one hour at 10 LPM.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Is the occurrence of chronic bronchitis or emphysema, a pair of commonly co-existing diseases of the lungs in which the airways narrow over time, this limits airflow to and from the lungs, causing shortness of breath. In contrast to asthma, this limitation is poorly reversible and usually gets progressively worse over time.
CPAP – Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: Ventilator that is mostly used at night, sometimes in combination with oxygen. OxygenWorldwide can in some cases supply this equipment but it needs to be set up by a special technician to get the parameters adapted to the needs of the patient.
Credit card: OxygenWorldwide accepts credit cards form Visa and MasterCard. The pages to make payment with those cards are available at our website: The pages are available in English, German, Spanish and French.
Delivery person: The delivery person of medical oxygen is often not able to speak more than the countries own language. If you don’t understand each other you could call OxygenWorldwide to help you with the translation.
Departure date oxygen user: Be aware that it is very important to inform OxygenWorldwide in case you like to change your departure date as delivery and pick-up schedules for oxygen equipment are planned well ahead. Also is there extra cost involved when the departure date is overstayed.
Deposit for medical oxygen equipment: Oxygen equipment is costly and in some instances OxygenWorldwide requires a deposit for renting equipment. This most likely will be the case if someone wants or needs tot take equipment out of the country where it was originally supplied. The deposit is refundable and will be transferred to the user after equipment has been returned in good condition.
Distance: In some countries the distance between the oxygen depot and the location of the client can be very large especially if the the depot is on the main land and the client on a island. This can affect the speed of delivery or changeover of equipment in case of emergency. In many cases we provide back-up cylinders. These cylinders are only to be used in case of an emergency.
Distilled Water: Distilled water might be used in a humidifier connected to you oxygen device. It is water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container.
Doctors: Sometimes a client´s doctor contacts OxygenWorldwide to arrange oxygen supply, especially if a patient is discharged from hospital. In those instances we require full details of the clients’ insurance company and a doctor’s certificate.
Domestic concentrator: An oxygen concentrator is a device providing oxygen therapy to a patient at a higher concentration than available in the air. They are used as a alternative to tanks of compressed oxygen. The work on electricity and produce some noice and heat. As they do not need refills it is often useful to use a stationary concentrator opposed to large cylinders. In Swedish a stationary or domestic concentrator is called: Syrgaskoncentrator
EHIC: The E111 form has been replaced by the EHIC card. European Health Insurance Card. A free card that gives European citizens access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Electricity for oxygen concentrator: In countries like e.g. Spain, the electricity supply could fail now and than. Therefore, in addition to a concentrator a backup cylinder could be supplied. One should ónly use this cylinder in cases of a power failure.
Emphysema: Emphysema is one type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a category of lung diseases that also includes e.g. chronic bronchitis. The most common symptom is shortness of breath. The most common cause is smoking.
Equipment: With the word equipment we indicate e.g. oxygen cylinders, liquid vessels, strollers, carrier sets / strollers, portable or stationary oxygen concentrators and all accessories like nose mask, mouth/nose mask, (extension) hoses, humidifier, distilled water, carry bag for cylinder, trolley for cylinder.
Flow meter for oxygen cylinder: A flow meter is a device where with the flow can be set. An ordinary meter will releases between 1-6 litres a high flow meters from 7-15 litres, for baby’s a low flow meter might be needed as the required flow of oxygen could be less than 1 litre.
Flow of oxygen: Flow of oxygen means the quantity of litres per minute that is needed or released by the equipment.
Frozen liquid oxygen: In some cases people do not connect their stroller (mobile liquid oxygen device) properly to its main unit. As liquid oxygen in the main tank has a freezing point of 50.5 K (−368.77 °F; −222.65 °C) it could, when one tries to fill up their stroller freeze the valves partly. The result will be that the reservoirs will stay connected due to the ice framing or that the valves of either or one does not close properly and oxygen is leaking out of the tank through those valves. One can solve these problems by covering the valves with luke warm water to set them loose and or close the valves.
GOX: Gaseous oxygen, see cylinder.
High Flow Meter: Regulator which is screwed onto a oxygen cylinder. The regulator or flow meter has an output/flow between 6 and 15 litres per minute. This type of regulator is often used for patients with the Horton disease (cluster headaches) whom benefit from a abnormal high ‘doses” of medical oxygen. The flow meter controls the amount of oxygen administered in litres per minute (LPM).
Horton disease and oxygen: Cluster attacks of very severe headache can be enlightened by administering (a large amount of) oxygen. Cluster headache patients receive a cylinder supplied with a high flow meter and a mask. Liquid oxygen vessels and their strollers (LOX) and concentrator have generally a to low flow for cluster headache patients although do some liquid oxygen vessels these days have a larger output and can therefor be used too.
Humidifier: An Oxygen Humidifier is a bubble-type humidifier which provides stable moisture content for maximum patient comfort during the administration of oxygen. OxygenWorldwide does not guarantee that in all cases a humidifier is supplied although the device is a non-disposable unit it might not be delivered with your equipment. The same goes for the distilled water for the humidifier. Often a humidifier container is not required by a client. The plastic containers have to ordered especially. The water can be obtained by a pharmacist and some people use by themselves boiled water.
Humidifier for oxygen: If you use trans tracheal oxygen, humidification of the oxygen is important. With other delivery systems at less than 4 litres per minute, humidification is not usually necessary or beneficial. A humidifier can be attached to the oxygen system. The humidifier is a bottle filled with sterile or distilled water. The oxygen passes through the water to gather moisture.
Infrastructure: In many countries the quality of the infrastructure varies and therefore the time needed to get the medical oxygen equipment in place. One can imagine that if the depot is on the mainland and the client will stay on a island it can take a while before replacement oxygen can be available. It is vitally important to check with OxygenWorldwide what the possibilities are before departure and stays on a island with e.g. a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) which could break down.
Invoice for medical oxygen supply: OxygenWorldwide will invoice you at the end of a stay or whichever comes first the fifteenth or the end of the month.
Invoicing: Invoicing is generally done on the 15th and end of each month. If someone requires an invoice at some other time please contact: accounts@oxygenworldwide.com
Island oxygen supply: Please be aware that the smaller the island the smaller the possibilities of oxygen supply. Although equipment can be brought out of the island by boat, a refill of the units could prove problematic. Customers with LOX and a high consumption we advise not to plan a holiday to a small island. Back-up cylinders can in some cases be provided and there will most likely be a charge for a transport fee.
Liquid oxygen overseas: It depends where you go overseas if liquid oxygen (LOX) is available to travellers. In some countries it is more common to provide a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) or even light weight aluminium gas cylinders (GOX) to travelling people opposed to the stroller with liquid oxygen.
Liquid oxygen Spain: Probably the most often by OxygenWorldwide supplied type of oxygen in Spain is the liquid oxygen vessel and stroller. Due to the fact that there are no aluminium cylinders available in Spain and the portable oxygen concentrator relatively new is in this country are most supplies based on liquid oxygen. Of course are (steel) cylinders and stationary concentrators part of the basic facilities.
Low flow regulator: The low flow meters are used for the oxygen supply for e.g. Baby’s who could probably only need 0.5 litres per minute. The nose cannula nasal needs to be ordered in a smaller size too.
LOX: Lox is short for liquid oxygen and is cryogenic with a freezing point of 50.5 K (−368.77 °F; −222.65 °C). A liquid oxygen system comes standard with a mother and a portable tank/stroller that the oxygen user can fill with oxygen from the tank. There are two different types of systems, top fill and side fill. (see other pages in this site). LOX is, next to a portable concentrator (POC) the preferred system for people who continually use oxygen and still want to be mobile. Liquid oxygen evaporates slowly from the vessel and from the portable and cannot be stored indefinitely.
Luggage room: As we intend to deliver the oxygen equipment on the day before the arrival of the client the actual room where the client will stay in the hotel might not be vacant yet so equipment has to be temporarily stored in the luggage room of the hotel. As reception desk staff changes frequently within 24 hour it is for a client important to know that the equipment could still be stored in the luggage room even at the day of arrival. Also after the departure of the patient, the equipment often goes there again until it is collected.
Maintenance Oxygen equipment: Even if the equipment is privately owned, it should still be regularly checked for service as this high sensitive equipment needs maintenance like changing or cleaning filters etc.
Manuals for oxygen equipment: On a regular basis OxygenWorldwide is asked to provide manuals for the equipment supplied. Due to the fact that OxygenWorldwide is active in more than one hundred countries and handles a large variety of equipment, it is impossible to provide these manuals in all the different languages. But please check with the OxygenWorldwide staff as some manuals are available.
Medical certificate: It depends for which country a client requires the oxygen if the provision of a medical certificate is an obligation. If we do not require a medical certificate with the enquiry it could be that it is not needed at that stage. In case of a regular referrer we often do not require the medical certificate in certain countries at the day of the enquiry but obligate the referrer to be able to supply the medical certificate within 24 hours if, at some stage, needed.
Medical Oxygen Croatia: As Croatia has become a popular holiday destination, OxygenWorldwide can arrange medical oxygen for holidaymakers in this country too. It depends where you intend to stay if the type of oxygen equipment you require is available along the beautiful and popular Dalmatia coast or places like Pula.
French: Oxygène médical Croatie.
Medical Oxygen Czech Republic: Prague is one of most popular historic cities to visit in Europe. For this reason OxygenWorldwide arranges medical oxygen in the Czech Republic too.
French: Oxygène médical république Tchèque.
Medical Oxygen Germany: Berlin is the capital city of Germany. With a population of 3.5 million people, Berlin is Germany’s largest city and a very popular destination for oxygen users. Located in north-eastern Germany on the River Spree, it is the centre of the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region. Due to its location in the European Plain, Berlin is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate.
French: Oxygène médical Allemagne.
Medical Oxygen holiday France: Paris the capital of France is probably the most romantic city in the world. Oxygen users have found their way to Paris to for decades and for more that 20 years OxygenWorldwide has organised oxygen for them. But it is not only Paris that interests holidaymakers. The beautiful coastline is visited by many tourist/oxygen users too.
French: Oxygène médical vacances France.
Medical Oxygen Ireland: Ireland is an island to the north-west of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth. The capital id Dublin and a very popular destination for oxygen users.
French: Oxygène médical Irlande.
Medical Oxygen provider Italy: OxygenWorldwide is the best known medical oxygen provider for holiday makers visiting Italy. The Italian oxygen user who wants to travel abroad has also been using the OxygenWorldwide organisation for many years to arrange their needs when it comes to this specialised service.
Medical Oxygen Turkey: Turkey has become a popular holiday destination since 2010 for medical oxygen users. Beside the beautiful city of Istanbul do many holidaymakers visit the south coast with places like Antalya, Marmaris, Bodrum and Izmir.
French: Oxygène médical Turquie / Vacances d’oxygène Turquie.
Movement: Liquid oxygen strollers and base units/mother vessels can loose their content through movement. In those cases the liquid oxygen is turned into gas and will be released automatically by means of a pressure valve. This may happen while traveling in the van before the equipment reaches its destination. For this reason it may be that a vessel on arrival is not completely full.
Nasal cannula: A nasal cannula is a plastic tube, held in place over the patient’s ears, with two small prongs that are inserted into the patient’s nose. This device is used to administer oxygen to a breathing patient with minor breathing problems. The mask is used mostly with a flow rate of 1-6 LPM.
Nebulizer: A nebuliser is a machine that converts liquid medication into a fine mist that can then be inhaled. For years many people used them e.g. to take their asthma medications, but these days we have easier and less expensive ways to take medication. In general people bring their own nebuliser with them when they go on holidays therefore OxygenWorldwide does not provide this type of equipment.
Negative travel advice: It could be that one puts in an enquiry for the supply of medical oxygen in a country or area where OxygenWorldwide at that moment does not supply oxygen. The reason could be that in that particular area a war is going on or due to flooding the infrastructure is damaged in such way that a reliable supply can not be guaranteed. In case you are in doubt if OxygenWorldwide does supply in your destination country please contact the service desk at: info@oxygenworldwide.com
Noise produced by a oxygen concentrator: A domestic or so called stationary oxygen concentrator is an electrical device that ‘extracts’ oxygen from the surrounding air. This unit makes a humming sound that can be perceived as a nuisance. There are patients who prefer the device therefore e.g. at night to be placed outside the bedroom and will therefore require extra long tubing.
On-demand device: On-demand oxygen delivery devices deliver a small amount of oxygen, usually when you begin to take a breath in through your nose. The delivery device is connected to the oxygen source by the nasal cannula. The device senses the start of inhalation (through the nasal cannula) and immediately gives a short pulse of oxygen.
Oxygen (aluminium) cylinders: In Europe most oxygen cylinders are still made of steel and are therefore very heavy compared to the aluminium cylinders used in countries like the USA. Aluminium cylinder are lighter and therefore easier to use. They can be carried around in special designed bags opposed to the steel ones which have to be transported on (not very common) trolleys. Cylinders come in various sizes and the connections for regulators might vary per country too. In Europe the connection is a EU tread where in the USA it is a Pin index.
Oxygen concentrator portable rental: More and more people travel with rented portable oxygen concentrators. Rented or not a portable oxygen concentrator is a very sensitive device and can easily break down. If this happens not many rental companies will be able to assist you immediately. OxygenWorldwide in most cases can by means of their S.O.S. Back-up service. It is advisable to pre-register when you start to travel with a portable oxygen concentrator so you know what back-up possibilities there are at your destinations.
Oxygen concentrator rental: Although the hire of a portable concentrator might be an attractive solution, these machines break down easily as the are very sensitive. For this reason OxygenWorldwide has set up a back-up service.
Oxygen cylinders: Cylinders are steel or aluminium bottles that contain gaseous oxygen (GOX) at a pressure of 200 bar. A cylinder loses no oxygen and can therefore be kept long, unlike liquid oxygen (LOX) vessels which loose oxygen by e.g. movement. Cylinders come in many sizes, from 0.6 litres to 50 litres. In general are steel cylinders used in Europe and aluminium in the USA.
Oxygen equipment rental: One can rent a variety of oxygen equipment but it depends what your destination is and if specific equipment is available over there. With its more than 20 year experience, the staff of OxygenWorldwide can inform you what is available where. As they also each speak a minimum of 5 languages on a 24/7 basis it shouldn’t be any problem to get them to be of service to you.
Oxygen Holiday Spain: OxygenWorldwide formerly called CARE O2, arranges your medical oxygen equipment for you holiday the day before your arrival at any destination in Spain.
Oxygen holiday Turkey: Travellers that need medical oxygen during their trip can travel with peace of mind to Turkey as OxygenWorldwide arranges oxygen in most tourist areas in that country.
Oxygen insurance: It is very different to what a insurance company covers. In case one wants to check on forehand if his/her insurance company will cover the cost of medical oxygen a quotation for the supply can obtained form OxygenWorldwide. Please contact the service desk at: info@oxygenworldwide.com
Oxygen layover: Oxygen for lay-over’s can, due to strict security measures, by OxygenWorldwide only be arranged at very few airports. In general are the layovers at large international airports. One should contact the airlines involved to make arrangements for medical oxygen during the lay over.
Oxygen mask: An oxygen mask transfers breathing oxygen gas from a storage tank to the lungs. Oxygen masks may cover the nose and mouth or the entire face. In general Oxygen users who are mobile use oxygen nose masks which OxygenWorldwide provides in 99.9 % of the countries with the equipment.
Oxygen saturation: Is a relative measure of the amount of oxygen. It can be measured with a pulse oximeter. (see also: Pulse oximeter.)
Oxygen Spain: Oxygen is readily available in Spain and can be arranged for you by OxygenWorldwide in various forms like stationary concentrators, cylinders, liquid oxygen vessels and in some cases portable oxygen concentrators. Please send you enquiry to: info@oxygenworldwide.com
Oxygen therapy: Is the administration of oxygen as a medical intervention, oxygen is essential for cell metabolism. Oxygen saturation levels, based on pulse oximetry are ( 94–98% in most patients, or 88–92% in COPD patients.)
Oxygen transport: Private transportation of oxygen is generally restricted and in some countries even forbidden. As cylinders and liquid vessels can be a potential hazard in e.g. a car accident one should avoid carrying this type of equipment in private cars.
Oxygen travel overseas: Many medical oxygen users travel overseas with help of OxygenWorldwide a specialised organisation in arranging oxygen in more than one hundred countries.
French: Voyage d’ oxygène outre-mer.
Oxygen travel service: The world’s best know travel service for medical oxygen is OxygenWorldwide. This 20 year old organisation has a worldwide network and with it’s staff whom all speak 5 languages and a 24/7 telephone service it can’t be beaten.
French: Service des voyages d’oxygène.
Oxygen Vacation Spain: Spain is a very popular destination for holiday makers in need of medical oxygen. The wide variety of equipment and a thorough organisation like OxygenWorldwide will give you peace of mind during your stay.
Oxytravel: OxygenWorldwide arranges on behalf of the AGA Linde Group under the name of OXYTRAVEL the supply of medical oxygen for all it’s travelling clients. For more information please contact: oxytravel@oxygenworldwide.com
Payment Guarantee: OxygenWorldwide requires for all orders a payment guarantee. If the enquiry is done well in advance of the actual arrival date the payment should be received at the latest 48 hours before the delivery date.(Please note that this date is at least one day before the arrival date of the client). In case of emergency only credit card payments are accepted.
POC (portable oxygen concentrator): See portable oxygen concentrator.
Portable concentrator rental: Many types of portable oxygen concentrators are for rent these days especially on the USA market. To give you a few examples: AIRSEP FreeStyle, SeQualEclipse 3, InvaCare XPO2, DeVilbiss iGo, SimplyGo, Inogen One G2, Philips Respironics EverGo, etc. You will find that each of them has it’s own specialities. The difference is generally the weight, size, number of litres per minute and most important the capacity of the battery. As batteries generally loose strength and the equipment is vulnerable it could cause problems while travelling. To prevent a stressful holiday you should register for FREE for the OxygenWorldwide S.O.S. Back-up service.
Portable oxygen concentrator: Portable oxygen concentrator (or POC) is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to patients. It is in fact a smaller version of a stationary home oxygen concentrator, but is smaller in size and more mobile. The portable oxygen concentrator makes it easy for patients to travel freely as it is small and can be used in e.g. cars, boats and planes. The portable concentrators plug directly into a regular house outlet for charging at home or hotel. The also come with a power adapter that can be plugged into a vehicle DC adapter. Beside this they can operate from the battery power. Portable oxygen concentrator: Translated in Italian as Ossigeno Portatile.
Portable oxygen concentrator rental: Possibly the fastest growing aspect of the oxygen market is the rental of portable oxygen concentrators. But the question is if this will stay like this. Poor batteries and the sensitivity of the machines often result in a disappointment. OxygenWorldwide provides a S.O.S. Back-up service for people travelling with portable oxygen concentrators in case the fail during their trips.
Portable oxygen concentrators rental: Portable oxygen concentrators rental: Todays trend is to hire a portable oxygen concentrator when one wants to make a journey. The rental has a drawback though. To avoid problems one could register for FREE with OxygenWorldwide in case a problem occurs.
French: Concentrateur d’oxygène portable.
Italian: Concentratore di ossigeno portatile.
Spanish: Contrador de oxígeno portátil.
German: Tragbarer Sauerstoffkonzentrator.
Portable oxygen generator: This is in fact is a oxygen concentrator. It is a machine that providing oxygen therapy to a patient at a higher concentration than available in the air. As they do not need refills it is often useful to use a stationary concentrator opposed to large cylinders. They work on electricity and produce some noise and heat.
Portable oxygen rental: In reality there is no such thing as portable oxygen. It is the equipment like portable oxygen concentrators etc. to which one refers. Those devices are these days for rent in various countries. There are many different brands and models like, AIRSEP FreeStyle, SeQualEclipse 3, Inogen One G2, Philips Respironics EverGo, InvaCare XPO2, DeVilbiss iGo, SimplyGo etc. Please be aware that these sensitive machines can break down easily. To prevent problems one can register for FREE with OxygenWorldwide’s S.O.S. Back-up service which arranges alternative oxygen in case of failure.
Portable oxygen rentals: There are various ways to be mobile with oxygen. One could rent a light weight aluminium cylinder in a special designed carry bag or a portable oxygen concentrator both systems are a common way in the USA. In Europe one could rent a liquid vessel with a stroller and in some countries a portable oxygen concentrator too. The aluminium cylinders are hardly used in Europe as they still handle the steel ones.
Prescription for medical oxygen: A doctor’s prescription might be required before OxygenWorldwide can proceed with the supply of medical oxygen.
Pressure oxygen cylinders: Oxygen is compressed in a cylinder to a pressure of 200 bar. Through a pressure regulator (= pressure gauge), the pressure is reduced to the desired level at the outflow point.
Pulse oximeter: A pulse oximeter wraps around a small part of the body, such a finger. It uses a probe with a red light and a sensor to measure oxygen levels. As the light travels through the skin to the sensor, it measures the amount of haemoglobin that is carrying oxygen in the blood.
Referrer: OxygenWorldwide uses the term ‘Referrers’ for private clients and or corporate bodies whom request providing medical oxygen supply. More specific these applicants can be: homecare medical oxygen suppliers of the home country of a particular client, emergency centres, insurance companies, doctors, nurses, specialist etc.
Refill own cylinders: Please be aware that this is generally not possible. The reason could be that the thread of the cylinder is not the same or that the connection is completely different and e.g. A Pin Index type.
Resuscitation mask: Flow rate 6 -15 LPM, 35-55 percent oxygen concentration, victims with difficulty breathing and non-breathing victims. The recommended flow rate when using a resuscitation mask is 6 to 15 LPM.
Side fill liquid oxygen vessel: A liquid oxygen vessel comes with a stroller/carry set/portable oxygen unit. The stroller/carry set/portable unit can be filled depending the type of vessel provided on the side or on the top of that base vessel. The side fill models are easier and safer as the connection valves don’t get the possibility to freeze. Depending the country one would require the medical liquid oxygen one could be provided with either one of these systems. The side fill is generally the newest but most oxygen users are used to the top fill.
Small portable oxygen concentrator: That is what everybody is after, a small portable oxygen concentrator and they are becoming smaller every day. Of course it could influence the productivity or output and the time the battery will last. So the smaller the better is not really an appropriate phrase in this case. Luckily OxygenWorldwide provide various alternative ways to make your holiday as comfortable as possible by means of e.g. portable liquid oxygen systems with it’s strollers.
Spain oxygen holiday: Spain is by far a very popular country for a holiday with oxygen. Although the spanish people hardly speak a second language at OxygenWorldwide, as its office are based in Spain all staff speak Spanish fluently and can assist you with all your requirements.
French: Oxygène en vacances Espagne. / Oxygène liquide Espagne.
Special needs oxygen services: The supply of medical oxygen is considered a special need when it comes to flying with airlines. One will have to put in a special request to get oxygen provided during the flight. Not all airline companies are willing to provide medical oxygen on board. Also will the cost for this service vary from airline to airline. To obtain the service please contact your local travel agent or go to the website of the airline.
French: L’oxgène de voyage des besoins spéciaux.
Stroller, carry set or portable: A so called stroller, carry set or portable is a handy device with a shoulder strap that can be filled on the l liquid oxygen vessel. Such units are available in various sizes and there is a top fill and side fill variant. It can vary per country or even state what type of liquid oxygen base unit/vessel is available. If one intends to bring his or her own portable device to the holiday destination it is advisable to check with OxygenWorldwide beforehand if the equipment will be compatible.
Supplemental oxygen: Oxygen is a basic human need. The air that we breathe contains approximately 21% oxygen. For most people with healthy lungs, this is sufficient, but for some people with certain health conditions require supplemental amounts to maintain normal body function.
Top fill liquid oxygen unit: A liquid oxygen unit comes with a stroller/carry set/portable oxygen device. The stroller/carry set/portable device can be filled depending the type of vessel provided on the side or on the top of the base vessel. The side fill models are easier and safer as the connection valves don’t get the possibility to freeze. Depending the country one would require the medical liquid oxygen one could be provided with either one of these systems. The top fill is generally the oldest but most familiar system to oxygen users. A problem that could occur if the stroller/carry set/portable oxygen device is filled is that the valves freeze and either one can not take the stroller of the base unit or the valves of one or the two units does not close completely so the equipment will empty quickly as it leaks oxygen. To close the valves or separate the machines one can use hand luke water to defrost the ice.
Travel oxygen: The best way to travel with oxygen is by having everything arranged beforehand. The staff at OxygenWorldwide can assist you in all matters for deliveries in more than 100 countries. Even if you travel with your own or hired equipment it might be worthwhile to do a FREE pre-registration for the OxygenWorldwide S.O.S. Back-up service so that if something goes wrong during your travels, replacement oxygen can be arranged quickly.
Travel Oxygen Portugal: The Algarve is probably the most popular destination for oxygen users visiting Portugal followed by it’s capital Lisbon. OxygenWorldwide provided it’s first medical oxygen in Portugal 20 years ago. With it’s beautiful coastline Portugal is, after Spain, one of the top 10 destinations of OxygenWorldwide customers.
French: Voyage d’oxygène Portugal.
Travelling oxygen (country): OxygenWorldwide is the largest independent organisation which covers the most number of countries where it can provide medical oxygen. To find out what countries are the most common ones please visit this page.
Voyage d’ oxygène Autriche.
Voyage d’oxygène Belgique.
Voyage d’oxygène Espagne.
Voyage d’ oxygène outre-mer.
Voyage d’ oxygène Pologne.
Voyage d’ oxygène Tunisie
Voyage d’ oxygène Grèce.
Travelling with oxygen: Many medical oxygen users are in first instance worried about travelling with oxygen especially if they travel abroad. At OxygenWorldwide the staff will assist you in one of 5 languages, English, Spanish, German, French and Dutch in a very personal, pleasant way so you can feel at ease before starting your trip.
Urgent oxygen deliveries: It depends where the delivery needs to be done when OxygenWorldwide can arrange replacement oxygen.
Vacation oxygen Spain: An incredibly popular country to visit and travel with medical oxygen must be by far Spain. The infrastructure these days is very reasonable and medical oxygen can nearly be provided anywhere, islands included. There can be a difference in the equipment provided and also cost of equipment varies around the country.
VAT, BTW, IVA: As OxygenWorldwide is a legal Spanish company and acts under Spanish tax laws it has to charge I.V.A. (impuesto sobre el valor agregado o impuesto sobre el valor añadido) The percentage depends on the service provided. In some cases the invoice is tax exempt.
You can request a non-binding quotation for oxygen services abroad.
We have started a special service for the initial set-up of the medical oxygen at your destination to give you peace of mind.
Find out all the news and updates about travelling with oxygen.