American Lung Association releases “State of the Air” report, Tolland County receives F for ozone
On April 18, the American Lung Association (ALA) released its 19th annual “State of the Air Report” to inform residents about the ozone and pollution levels in their state or city. Tolland County, the county where the University of Connecticut is located, was given an F rating for ozone, according to the ALA website; data was not collected for particle pollution in this area.
An F ozone grade does not automatically mean the county or region is in any danger. She also said warnings are particularly important for people with health problems who are put at risk when ozone levels get higher in the summer months.
What it means is that on average we have a problem with higher ozone days in the summer months that factor in to give us the F grade. Those are the days when you will hear the weather forecasters on television warn people with asthma, emphysema, COPD, etc., to remain indoors during the afternoon hours for their own protection.”
Over the last 30 years, Connecticut has decreased its number of days over the ozone limit from 100 to around 20.
“Due to prevailing wind patterns causing interstate atmospheric transport of pollutants, upwind states are responsible for much of our ground-level ozone problem in Connecticut,” Williams said. Over time, every positive choice, every small positive change will make a big difference.”
“Turn off the light when you walk out of a room,” Williams said. Take a cooler shower. Use resources wisely – conserve, reuse whatever you can and recycle whatever can be recycled. Explore alternatives to single-rider transportation – take the bus, ride a bicycle, carpool, walk. Give that no-longer-wanted item away instead of throwing it away. Use fewer disposable goods. Anything you can personally do to reduce your own carbon footprint, added to the efforts of others, will have a positive impact.”
Other air quality reports which are updated in real-time are online and available through the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Federal Environmental Protection agency.