10 ways to help increase oxygen levels

oxygen levels - diver in sea

It may have been a few years since this article was published but due to a popular interest of wanting to find some simple tips, we have decided to re-publish for our new readers!

Using supplemental oxygen will increase your oxygen levels but there are other tips that can help increase your oxygen levels, its circulation and your body's ability to take up the additional oxygen and utilise it more efficiently.  Take a look at these ideas as in conjunction with your home oxygen therapy a little change could greatly increase your oxygen levels and quality of life.

These 10 ideas will help to improve your oxygen levels:

1.    Open your windows. Fresh air will bring additional oxygen into your home and even if you are constantly breathing in oxygen through a cannula, whenever you talk or open your mouth fresh air containing higher oxygen levels can be drawn into your body. If you live in a smoggy area then you could consider investing in an air-filtration system.
2.    Plants. They are the opposite of us as they take-in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. Thereby increasing the foliage and plants in your home will decrease the carbon dioxide and increase the oxygen levels in your home.
3.    Aroma. Many of the chemical-filled candles and various other incense type products actually contain carcinogens. Instead it is better to burn all-natural beeswax candles as then you’ll have better luck breathing in oxygen.
4.    Exercise. Even a small amount of exercise will help to improve your respiration ability, as your breathing rate increases and deepens your lungs can absorb more oxygen.
5.    Increase your water intake. Water is made up of oxygen so by increasing your water consumption you can increase the amount of oxygen in your body.
6.    Go Green. Eating more fresh, raw green juices is beneficial as they are full of vitamins and minerals which your body utilises to aid in the uptake of oxygen.
7.    Meditation.  Daily meditation or just simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing and taking deep breaths for a few minutes can greatly help in reducing stress and improving your oxygen intake.
8.    Eat lron-rich foods. Your diet can seriously impact your oxygen levels. Certain foods can help improve your oxygen levels in the blood naturally. Target iron-rich foods such as meats, poultry, fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables as they can improve iron deficiency, which in turn improves blood oxygen levels.
9.    Cut out Salt. A diet low in sodium can lead to increased oxygenation via the kidney and the blood.
10.    Eat green raw foods. Oxygen-rich foods can naturally increase your blood oxygen levels. Try eating more green vegetables like kale, broccoli and celery in order to boost your oxygen levels and hopefully breathe easier.

References: http://lunginstitute.com
Blog article first published 2015

5 tips for living with medical oxygen

  1. Portable oxygen concentrators - These will allow you more freedom to go wherever you wish, even on a plane. Do whatever you want to do as you can take the oxygen with you!
  2. Always plan in advance; look out for how long you may be walking outdoors, staying away from home or going abroad. Planning is key to make sure you have all your oxygen planned in advance. OxygenWorldwide can arrange anything abroad for you for your next holiday.
  3. Make sure you stay hydrated. Consume plenty of fluids throughout a day to avoid dryness.
  4. Be careful around any type of flame such as candles and gas heaters whilst having your oxygen with you.
  5. Your sleep will improve if taking oxygen overnight.
medical oxygen at home

Where can I travel to this August from UK?

Adults who have been fully vaccinated through the NHS now don't need to self-isolate when they return from most amber list countries. Each area has its own guidelines so make sure you are up to date with current legislation and requirements. Here are a few popular destinations you could enjoy:





Please do check any changes to conditions before travel. Our team will also arrange all your oxygen travel needs by simply starting out with our enquiry form hereand we will be in touch.

Travelling with oxygen? Here's all you need to know...

If you are now planning your next holiday, staycation or even a visit to friends and loved ones you have missed but need medical oxygen then look no further. Over on our OxygenWorldwide site our team have put together the main FAQ's to help you with everything you need to know.

From where we deliver, costs and how to get a quote you will find everything you need to plan your trip away with medical oxygen.

Find out and read the full list of FAQ's here over on our website.

India and its oxygen crisis

India has been for a while been hit with lack of oxygen supply after the Coronavirus wave that has swept the country. Many had not been vaccinated as did not experiencing any major crisis last year. Since the widely publicised wave that has swept the need and demand for medical oxygen is high.

Ludhiana, which being the biggest district with a maximum population of over 3.5-million passed through a harrowing time during the deadly second Covid wave, has built a strong medical oxygen infrastructure to meet the anticipated high demand of the life-saving gas during the possible third virus wave, the government has confirmed.

Besides accumulating maximum cylinders, the district has also acquired the highest number of oxygen concentrators in the state, the official figures have revealed.

6,165 oxygen cylinders made available

The data compiled by the Health and Family Welfare Department, which is available with The Tribune, showed that Ludhiana has made available 6,165 oxygen cylinders, including 4,774 D-type cylinders, 4,158 in private and 616 in government hospitals, and 1,391 B-type cylinders, including 855 in private and 536 in government institutions.

Reference: Tribune News Service

UK travellers get amber light

Quarantine-free travel to resume on 19 July for fully vaccinated passengers returning from amber list countries.

travel for UK

For UK travellers if you are fully vaccinated it seems there will be a lift on the quarantine restriction for amber countries. This will open up a lot more travel into Europe and elsewhere for UK tourists. A summer holiday will become a bit more realistic for those who have had both vaccinations and do not mind taking the PCR tests.

If you are now planning your holiday and requirement organising medical oxygen supply - our team at OxygenWorldwide are here to help!

Medical oxygen saves lives


Oxygen therapy has always been a vital need for many but the recent global pandemic has highlighted its use and heightened demands for its supply over the last year. Many countries have faced huge pressures to with low or limited supplies especially in less developed areas of the world.

Medical oxygen

Many COVID-19 patients in India have sadly died due to the shortage of medical oxygen, bringing this critical medical need into the spotlight. As the world tries to help one another get to grips on lowering the need for medical oxygen we will now have more demand as part of the after effects of patients needing oxygen long-term. Please do read more of our articles to understand how you can cope and still remain active especially travelling.

For over 20 years OxygenWorldwide has been helping oxygen needs be delivered across the world in a travel capacity. Read more here for a request.


Balearic Islands now open (to UK)

This week we have seen the travel doors given the green light for UK to arrive in the Balearic Islands. Travellers have the good news that fully vaccinated or negative test will allow entry onto the islands. There is growing concern and pressure to open up travel corridors and also tourism but also with Covid cases on the increase to also be very careful on regulations and guidelines.

Ibiza, Menorca, Majorca and Formentera will be hot destinations to travel to for English Tourists looking to get some summer sun.

The announcement also includes other destinations such as the
Caribbean islands that are going on the green list are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Coping with a lung condition

Lung conditions such as COPD, asthma or bronchitis all have varying levels but all patients can help to cope to make daily life more manageable.

Remember that with anything you must always have someone to talk to; this can be a family member, neighbour, work colleague or your nurse but talking really helps to understand and resolve any problems or worries. Joining a group that are also experiencing the same journey will help as you can all relate, help and support one another.

If you have breathlessness learn the breathing techniques from your doctor or support group to understand how to easily control your airways.

Also remember to always make time for yourself; whether this is reading, walking, travelling or another favourite hobby; always do activities that make your happy and give you a sense of enjoyment.

Destination: Portugal

This weekend for those in the United Kingdom and EU looking to travel this summer had the current news that if you want to travel and visit Portugal the mandatory requirement of a PCR test upon arrival is now not in place.

It was announced that those wishing to travel can now use lateral flow tests in place. This is good news especially to UK travellers as these carry no additional charge just 24 hours prior to departure.

Although for UK residents Portugal was on the Green List those now arriving from Portugal to the UK will require a period of self-isolation as Portugal was moved to Amber List.

Please do see the official website for updates and information as regulations can change frequently.

If you are planning to a trip to Portugal please do contact us for all your medical oxygen travel needs.