What country beginning with A is safe to breathe?

So one country claims they are the perfect holiday destination for those who suffer from breathing allergies but which 'A is it???

The Alps in Austria are full of fresh mountain air, low pollen counts and ideal temperatures. Destinations such as the National Park district of Krimml, Tyrolean alps or Obergurgl pine forest are advertised as the perfect holiday for allergy and asthma sufferers with its high altitude levels and cleansed air.

So if you are stuck for a holiday destination that will help you breathe easy take a look at Austria, if the mountains and pine forests are not your chosen holiday then there is always a nice sunny beach in Spain for relaxation and sunshine!

View all the countries we can deliver medical oxygen to when you are away on holiday.

Going on holiday in Europe with oxygen

Picture this... Breakfast outside in the fresh air and away from home. Taking in all the scenery, taking photo memories and needing to wear those sunglasses as the weather is just too bright!

Holidays are a time to enjoy and also take a moment to relax and store those activities, moments, sites and attractions you see whilst away travelling in and around Europe. Europe has an array of exciting cultures, food, attractions and historical sites to see that should be enjoyed by all. Even if you need medical oxygen to travel you should not feel you cannot make that weekend break, week long holiday or short travel for a few months.

With all that OxygenWorldwide have built up with their knowledge of networks to arrange your medical oxygen whilst on holiday. The team can also speak at least 5 languages and operate in many European destinations.

How much does it cost to hire portable oxygen whilst on holiday?


Now when you have to hire portable oxygen concentrators for your holiday prices will vary. This will depend on various elements of your trip such as; destination, volumes needed, length of stay, type of equipment needed and how many batteries are required.

So that you are able to obtain an accurate quote for your holiday you can complete this form and speak to one of the OxygenWorldwide team.


Spain... breathe better

One of our Top destinations is Spain. Spain is a fantastic holiday destination especially when you need medical oxygen to accompany you on your travels too.

Spain has many diverse types of holidays to be enjoyed from beach holidays to city breaks and family fun filled trips. Choose from Costa Brava or Catalonia on the main land or travel to the islands of Majorca or Menorca. All have beautiful beaches, landscapes and that Spanish flare.

Spain is one of our most popular and most experienced destinations where we have a 20 year knowledge of suppliers, networks and of course help whilst you plan your trip to anywhere in Spain or its surrounding islands.

For more advice with medical oxygen in Spain just contact us today!

Is hot weather good for asthma?

Heat and hot weather may cause asthma symptoms to flare up but as long as you plan and keep it under control summer can be enjoyed and be great for you!

All the usual triggers associated with summer time will try to dampen your holiday spirits such as increased pollen levels, rising temperatures and pollution particles.

As long as you make sure to:

  • Plan ahead with checking weather reports and making sure you pack all your medical essentials
  • Check pollen counts this will help plan indoor vs outdoor activities
  • Stay Cool in the shade, wear a hat and stay indoors to prevent from overheating
  • Keep hydrated with plenty of fluids especially during the daytime when the sun is at its hottest

Now remember to pack your sunglasses and know you can relax and enjoy your summer time.

Can I take oxygen on my flight?

The short answer is no, but don't worry - you can still travel with oxygen. Here's what you need to know about flying with oxygen:

1. Safety Regulations:
• Airlines prohibit passengers from bringing their own oxygen tanks for safety reasons.
• This rule applies to all commercial flights worldwide.

2. Airline-Provided Oxygen:
• Most airlines offer on-board oxygen for passengers who require it.
• Services and fees vary by airline, so it's crucial to check with your specific carrier.

3. Booking Process:
• Contact the airline directly to arrange oxygen services.
• Book well in advance to ensure availability.
• Be prepared to provide medical documentation from your doctor.

4. Medical Approval:
• Your GP or specialist must confirm that you're fit to fly with supplemental oxygen.
• Airlines may have specific forms for your doctor to complete.

5. Costs:
• Some airlines charge for oxygen services.
• Fees can vary widely, so inquire about costs when booking.

6. Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs):
• Many airlines allow FAA-approved POCs.
• Check with your airline for their specific POC policies.

7. International Travel:
• Regulations may differ for international flights.
• Consult both your departure and arrival country's aviation authorities.

Planning Your Trip with Oxygen Worldwide

Need help arranging medical oxygen for your holiday? Our expert team at OxygenWorldwide is here to assist you. We can help navigate airline policies, coordinate oxygen delivery at your destination and ensure you have everything you need for a safe, comfortable journey.

Contact us at info@oxygenworldwide.com for personalised support in planning your oxygen needs while traveling.


I need oxygen for my holiday...

oxygen for holiday

You can still travel the world, even when you need medical oxygen too. If you need oxygen for your holiday here are some popular questions you may be wondering:

  1. Can you travel abroad with oxygen? If you need oxygen on your holiday, you will need to arrange oxygen at your destination before you travel. Contact OxygenWorldwide for quotes.
  2. Can I take oxygen on a plane? The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not allow travellers to carry their own oxygen aboard  aircraft. You are advised that a Department of Transportation approved battery-powered portable oxygen concentrator is ok to use.
  3. How much is a portable oxygen concentrator? Buying your own is expensive but to use whilst on holiday prices do vary but using experienced OyxgenWorlwide can obtain competitive quotes and have the knowledge of many locations across the globe.
  4. How do you travel abroad with oxygen? Contact the airline you are travelling with first, make sure you have your prescription and also any doctors notes to take with you. Prepare and plan your requirements needed for the duration of the trip. Use OxygenWorldwide as the 24 hours service whilst on your trip allows for that extra care needed when abroad and possibly not your native language.

5 things you can do if you suffer from cluster headaches

If you suffer from cluster headaches you will know the intense pain is so bad some women compare it to contractions during birth. There is quite a lot of help and advice out there and even though oxygen therapy is known to help relieve symptoms where you breathe pure oxygen through a face mask. There is a lot of good advice on how to help assist the affects of these periods of headaches.

Triggers are known to cause these episodes such as; alcohol, bright lights, coffee, flying or being at high altitudes or even heat such as a hot bath or being in hot weather can also trigger cluster headaches.

  1. Ginger - drink ginger tea as this helps to reduce pain and this is a simple and easy way to help relieve symptoms
  2. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes as this may actually increase the number of episodes you will have so best to avoid entirely
  3. Vitamins - these help in a number of ways from the anti oxidants to reducing frequency, speak to your local health expert on what you should be taking each day
  4. Exercising - increase your blood circulation and reduce your stress levels through exercising - so hit your local gym
  5. Be outdoors - we know oxygen helps so getting outdoors will certainly help naturally

If you need oxygen for your travels please do speak with our team of experts who can assist you in organising oxygen for your holiday.

Planning a trip with oxygen? Here's what you should send to get the best quote...

going on holiday with oxygen

I need oxygen for my holiday you ask! Here are some tops things to remember to include when obtaining a quote for your next trip with medical oxygen.

  1. Your chosen destination with your start and end dates for your holiday. Some countries may not be as easy to deliver to or in particular seasons but view our list here
  2. Contact details including address and telephone number of the holiday destination
  3. Name of the person accepting the delivery of the equipment
  4. The type of oxygen equipment you would require
  5. Your maximum oxygen usage in litres per minute and hours per day to calculate how much you will need

To send OxygenWorldwide team all the necessary information when travelling with oxygen use our Oxygen Request Form which will provide us with all the essential details we need in order to process an accurate quote for you for your holiday.

Top 5 places to travel to with medical oxygen

It can be difficult to plan a vacation, particularly if you need to bring medical oxygen. We at OxygenWorldwide have put together a list of our top 5 travel locations for oxygen users because we recognise the value of stress-free travel and an easily available oxygen supply:

red, yellow, and white concrete stairs

  1. Spain:
  • Malaga, Gran Canaria, Alicante, Tenerife, and Mallorca

Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Spain while enjoying traditional Flamenco dancing.

Venice Grand Canal, Italy

  1. Italy:
  • Rome, Venice, Milan
  • Explore historic landmarks, indulge in exquisite cuisine, and cruise along the canals of Venice in a gondola.

an island in the middle of a lake

  1. Croatia:
  • Various coastal destinations
  • Experience the stunning beauty of the Croatian coastline and discover charming seaside towns.

Statue of Liberty, New York under white and blue cloudy skies

  1. USA:
  • Disneyland in Orlando
  • Embark on a magical adventure at Disneyland in Orlando, where dreams come true at the Magic Kingdom.

photo of assorted-color air balloon lot in mid air during daytime

  1. Turkey:
  • Istanbul, Antalya, Marmaris, Side, Alanya
  • Uncover the rich history and breathtaking landscapes of Turkey, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the pristine beaches of Antalya.

We hope these top 5 destinations have inspired you to plan your next trip with confidence. Our experienced team members are here to provide advice, quotes, and assistance to ensure your travel plans align seamlessly with your oxygen needs. Contact us today to start planning your unforgettable journey. Safe travels!