Another fantastic article we have to be brought back to our current readers who have sever asthma, here are some great supplements that have been noted to help. Please do check with your doctor before taking as these are just recommendations from various sources.
We are all aware of extra nutrients and vitamins we need. But especially in winter in most European and other countries the sun goes down and we lack a vital Vitamin D. There have been several studies around this helping against severe asthma attacks. Winter is especially difficult due to the cold air and this causes airways to go into spasm.
If you are looking on ways to help please speak to your doctor about taking more Vitamin D during this winter to help ease the symptoms. Even for those who do not suffer from asthma attacks can have benefits of this vitamin as we lack the goodness of the sun. This can even simply be feeling more energised during those cold winter months and what our bodies need more of.
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