Christmas has come around so fast this year for everyone. It is time to spread cheer amongst one another hence why we have seen to many people jump onto Christmas planning, decorating so early! It may be the only period on which we can see loved ones.
It is a time of uncertainty still, anxiousness and frustration for many especially those who are separated by countries. It has been a long year for all and it is time to speak a little cheer and have something to look forward to. A few ideas to make Christmas special this year:
1. Make and decorate your own festive wreath, it can be fun to do and there are so many options from traditional festive wreaths to more modern takes
2. Donate to charities instead of sending Christmas cards this year – many are doing this to help support charities at a time when fundraising has been difficult for vital research and support
3. Make sure you call or even better video call your nearest and dearest if you are not planning to be together. A conversation and talking goes a long way when you may be feeling lonely
4. Support local independents – it has been a struggle for many small shops and restaurants to try and stay afloat so this year if you do buy gifts buy local
5. Baking is very therapeutic for many plus after your hard work you get to enjoy a treat or even share with your neighbours! There are many recipes out there to feed your festive spirit from mince pies and Christmas puddings to reindeer cookies, roast dinners and even make your own mulled wine!