Where is Spain now?

Spain has been in a state of alarm with the Covid-19 pandemic but just under a month ago many of these restrictions were lifted. The people of Spain had curfews, limited meeting up with others and now the states have all got new regulations. Many had lifted guidance from May 8th unless in a very high risk zone. But for some states such as Valencia they are still awaiting 2 more days until their rules will change so they can enjoy from June 8th:

- Diners at tables are, however, limited to 10.
- Nightlife can reopen from next week with closing time at 2am, and a capacity restriction of 50% inside, but 100% outside.
- There are no longer capacity limits in places of worship.

Whereas in Madrid, there is no curfew nor any lockdown in place in the region. Hospitality venues can open from 6am to 1am, with eight diners permitted at tables outside and six inside. People can meet in their homes, but the government advises against this. Capacity in bars and restaurants is at 50% inside and 75% outside. Consumption at the bar is prohibited, and capacity in malls, cinemas and theatres at 75%.

For the people of the Balearic Islands The Supreme Court has annulled the night-time curfew and limits on social meetings in the region. The Balearics is currently not requiring coronavirus tests from vaccinated Spanish tourists, nor from domestic visitors traveling from regions with an incidence below 60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over 14 days. Hospitality venues on Mallorca and Ibiza cannot open their indoor spaces, while outdoor areas are limited to four people – Menorca and Formentera are permitting four inside and six outside. Bars and restaurants must close at 10.30pm.

The next few weeks will allow Spain to get back to a new normal. Summer is an important time for Spain but with no tourists just yet we will see what happens over the next few weeks.

Source: https://english.elpais.com/

Green country rules for travel explained...

There are now a published list for travel in UK but what are the rules? It can be confusing to understand the ever-changing rules, regulations and do's and don'ts and before travel you want to be certain you are following the regulations.

To summarise:

If travelling to England you must:

  • take a COVID-19 test
  • book a day 2 COVID-19 test to be taken after arrival in England
  • complete a passenger locator form

On arrival in England:

  • You must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 after you arrive. If it is positive then you will be required to quarantine.
  • With the NHS Test & Trace app if you are informed that you travelled to England with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 then you may also be required to quarantine.

To keep up to date with UK travel lists and changes please check out the government website here.

Green, Amber, Red - where can I travel right now...

Lockdown is easing within the UK. Travel is now back on the map but what is the traffic light system, how does it work and where can I go?

The new traffic light system is divided into green, amber and red which all have different rules and regulations on quarantine, testing and entry requirements.

As of May 17th 2021

A test is required up to 72 hours before returning to the UK
One PCR test on or before day two of arrival in England or Wales
No quarantine unless a test is positive.

The countries at time of this article are:

New Zealand
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
St Helena, Tristan de Cunha, Ascension Island

One pre-departure test.
Quarantine at home for 10 days on arrival in England or Wales
PCR test required on days two and eight of quarantine
Amber countries include:
France, and many more in Europe

One pre-departure test
On arrival, passengers must quarantine in a hotel for 10 days
PCR test required on days two and eight of quarantine
These countries include:
South Africa

For more information please visit the Government website

For medical oxygen users you will still require to plan in advance and the earlier the better to make sure your requirement for supplementary oxygen can be arranged, organised and agreed. The OxygenWorldwide team can take all your details and send a proposal over to you. Any queries when travelling with medical oxygen can be asked with our teams.

Contact our team here for your medical oxygen travel needs and up to date information. As we are aware the rules and regulations will change as well as the traffic light system and its countries within it.

Spain emerging once again

Spain has experienced long and extended lockdowns, curfews and regulations due to the global pandemic for coronavirus over the last 14 months. Beginning on 14th March 2020 there was "estado de alarma" which was not a complete lockdown but six months after this was repeated six times with their second announcement in October 2020 which ended this week with known street parties in celebration a couple of days ago. With Covid-19 rates decreasing the states of Spain could start to relax.

This now means that people can now travel for the first time in 6 months and enjoy fiestas and drinks at the beach. There are still restrictions between numbers of households meeting in restaurants with limited and distance seating at table within hospitality establishments. But for most this will be a huge relief and meeting loved ones in other states for the first time in a long while.

Spain has seen one of the largest fatality rates and levels of infection and has been very hard hitting for all living in the country.

It has been a long and difficult time for all and we hope to be able to make up for lost time, memories and re-connect.

India's oxygen crisis right now

As the covid crisis in India hits there is a worrying lack of medical oxygen supplies for patients in desperate need. The coronavirus is spreading fast and for a densely populated country their medical facilities and completely under strain.

Cases had been falling and people were beginning to be out and about more including religious festivals and political rallies.

As quoted by the Guardian, 'In the middle of March, the number of recorded cases started to grow faster than in any other country, this week passing 300,000 a day, along with more than 2,000 deaths, close to twice the daily deaths India experienced during the first peak of the virus between July and September 2020.'

A staggering statistic that the country will be fighting to keep under control. As many doctors, nurses and families take to social media to show how desperate they are in need of oxygen let's hope that we can help supply India's crisis and they manage to receive what they so desperately need to save lives.

Life after COVID

Life after covid...

Fatigue, shortness of breath, pressure in the chest, headaches and muscle pain have been surveyed as the most common symptoms after coronavirus.

"More than 9 in 10 people even indicate that they have problems with simple daily activities".(Longfonds and CIRO knowledge center)

It seems that there is a large amount of people that may be going unheard or untreated especially if not officially diagnosed with Covid-19. People still need care and advice after coronavirus. Many who may not have been ill previously will be scared, have questions and be in a very scary or anxious unknowing if not helped.

According to the study by Longfords the average age was 53 with many healthy prior to the virus. Many complained about not be able to walk properly and certainly being unable to exercise.

For more information please do visit coronalongplein.nl

Has COVID-19 affected you too?

travel with oxygen

If you are recently new to lung problems due to contracting COVD-19 then do not worry. Even thought you may need extra support with medical oxygen, we have been experts for well over 20 years! Travelling currently has many restrictions in place as the world prepares to ease lockdown rules. This will vary by country and rules consistently change as the situation continues to be monitored.

BUT the good news is that if you are a medical oxygen user we can help arrange travel for you.

IMPORTANT Information: Due to Coronavirus regulations outbound travel is only allowed in accordance with your guidelines in your country. OxygenWorldwide can send you documentation prior to travel but will need dates of intended travel and required medical forms that you are a medical oxygen patient.

This article information is as of publish date so please do check all regulations or contact us for the latest advice here.

Life after COVID

covid after effects

Covid has affected so many over the last 12 months and in so many ways. Many have lost loved ones; countries have been stretched and also the world has had to react to its ever-changing mutations and effects economically and personally. For those who have had COVID it may not stop and recovery can be long.

If you are short of breath this is a symptom where many are struggling to breathe properly or may even feel as if they are 'winded' whereas prior to having the virus they were able to carry on as normal. Simple activities such as gardening, doing housework or even short walks leave you feeling short of breath. You may be feeling more tired regularly and this is also common effects of other respiratory diseases such as COPD, asthma or bronchitis.

Will COVID-19 be added to the list in future as a lung disease?

Please do seek medical advice to help but there are many things you can do to help such as:

- Breathing exercises
- Taking your time and not over exerting your body when doing activities
- Using medical oxygen to help in some severe cases

Covid affects the lungs and it is a common experience for many even after recovery so it is important to make sure you look after yourself.

The Stanley Johnson loophole and what this means for you...

homes in spain

You may have heard this in the UK press recently and wondering what this means? This loophole has been discovered for UK residents who own second homes. Many UK residents have holiday homes or second homes across Europe such as Spain, France and Italy. Lots of UK residents who have enjoyed their time split between being close to loved ones in the UK and also enjoying an extended holiday or summer months in warmer climates over the years.

The last 12 months has meant many have not been able to enjoy this as flights or travel was not permitted. Now the UK prepares to ease lockdown with its roadmap planned out there is a loophole for all those second home owners, but what is it?

All UK residents can travel to their second home if the reason is to prepare it for sale or rental reasons. This will come into force this week on step 1 of the latest roadmap allowing certain reasons to travel.

You may be wondering why it is called the 'Stanley Johnson Loophole' and it is connected to Boris Johnson's father who travelled to his Greek villa to make it 'COVID-proof' which breached the guidelines at the time in summer 2020.

Below is what has been published that is an appropriate reason to travel to your second home:

- Visiting an estate agent
- Visiting a show home
- Viewing a property or several
- Preparing to move into a property
- If you need to travel for study
- If you are participating in an elite sport event

Currently travel from the UK carries a fine if rules are broken and although summer holidays for many now seems to not include getting on a plane to another country; will this loophole if still allowed mean for some they will be able to hop on a plane and get to their second home to prepare, buy or sell a property?

Living with someone with a lung condition

  1. Look after 'you' - Make sure that you have time out for yourself to give yourself space. Looking after your loved ones can be tiring and also very emotional. Space out with a friend or time on your own to relax will do wonders for your mental well-being.
  2. Join them to go out or to hospital - Just being with someone especially at the doctors if comforting for them as sometimes anxiety and being alone is very upsetting for many.
  3. Learn about the illness - Understanding side effects of medication, how an illness develops or works helps people to understand any symptoms, feelings or what level of care.