Oxygen Worldwide helps Kiva make a difference

Oxygen Worldwide helps to change lives

Kiva  - a charity that empowers people around the world with a $25 loan.

Oxygen Worldwide helps Kiva make a difference
Oxygen Worldwide helps Kiva make a difference

At Oxygen Worldwide we have chosen our to loan people money who are in developing countries and wihing to start a new business, buy some more stock or go out to work. This money then helps people to get off their feet and make a livelihood for themselves and their famliles. Below is our latest update on how our money has been spent:

Repayments for loans that have ended

Marcelina Pirir Mendez (#361092)

Country: Guatemala
Activity: Arts
You Loaned: $25.00
Newly Repaid: $17.70
Total Repaid So Far: $25.00 (100.00% of your loan)
Repayment Status: Paid back

Repayments for loans that are paying back

Phan's Group (#285417)

Country: Cambodia
Activity: Pigs
You Loaned: $25.00
Newly Repaid: $1.39
Total Repaid So Far: $13.89 (55.56% of your loan)
Repayment Status: Paying back on time
Marys Aminta Paredes Perez (#331135)

Country: Nicaragua
Activity: Clothing Sales
You Loaned: $25.00
Newly Repaid: $2.08
Total Repaid So Far: $10.63 (42.52% of your loan)
Repayment Status: Paying back on time
Dukerebuke Group (#375056)

Country: Burundi
Activity: Liquor Store / Off-License
You Loaned: $25.00
Newly Repaid: $8.34
Total Repaid So Far: $8.34 (33.36% of your loan)
Repayment Status: Paying back on time
Sabah (#353082)

Country: Iraq
Activity: Food Market
You Loaned: $25.00
Newly Repaid: $4.17
Total Repaid So Far: $4.17 (16.68% of your loan)
Repayment Status: Paying back on time

Best Wishes,
Kiva Staff
To find out more about how you can help please see Kiva's websites and community here:

Kiva Website


Breathe Easy - Top 5 Travel Tips

Tip 1. Planning is key.
Do not purchase your flight ticket without first knowing the oxygen policy of your preferred airline. It is wise to know that some airline companies DO provide oxygen during some flights, but not all. Know that the airline company  will only provide oxygen on the plane, NOT at the airport. Do not be discouraged about having to set up arrangements for your travel oxygen needs. Traveling with oxygen can definitely be accomplished, with the proper planning and expert knowledge that our team can provide here at Oxygen Worldwide - the experts in travelling with medical oxygen.
2. Always travel with a copy of your prescription for oxygen as well as any other medication.
If you are in need of additional equipment, you will be ready. Be sure to have multiple copies, just in case.
3. Have a 24hr back up service for emergencies.
Register online today for our simple oxygen solutions service - this is free and available to all registered customers - click here
4. Be educated on the oxygen equipment that is available to you. If you have never used Liquid Oxygen before, learning how to fill a portable unit from a reservoir in your cabin on the first day of a cruise is not the time to do so. If you are traveling internationally, know exactly what’s available to you and where to get it. In Italy, for instance, Liquid Oxygen is the most common equipment. Talk to your local oxygen provider team member about education on Liquid Oxygen prior to traveling to Italy. Having enough batteries for your trip is vital.
5. Always consult your physician prior to traveling with oxygen. Flying and traveling to higher altitudes can affect the way you use therapeutic oxygen.

Question Marks on Paper Crafts

Portable Oxygen Concentrators : Frequently Asked Question #1

Can I carry and use a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) on board my flight?
Most clients are unsure or can be overcome by all the small print on travel websites and the rules when flying abroad to other countries worldwide. Airlines all differ but we can help with most questions on portable oxygen concentrators being the medical oxygen experts when travelling. Oxygen Worldwide can also offer a FREE back up service which allows our customers to receive 24 hour service in case of emergency with replacing oxygen or the machine when on holiday or away from home.
Ryan air allow the following guidelines when flying on their air carriers with portable oxygen concentrators:
Carriage of a POC:
If you wish to carry a POC please contact our Special Assistance line <http://www.ryanair.com/en/questions/contacting-customer-service> to obtain prior approval.  Passengers carrying a POC should obtain a Medical Equipment Approval & Baggage Waiver letter by calling the Special Assistance line <http://www.ryanair.com/en/questions/contacting-customer-service> . This approval & waiver letter must be presented at the Bag Drop desk or at the boarding gate if travelling with no checked baggage.
Use of POC during Flight:
If you wish to use a POC during flight please contact our Special Assistance line <http://www.ryanair.com/en/questions/contacting-customer-service>  to obtain prior approval, for the use onboard you will be required to complete a 'Fit to Fly' form which will be sent to the passenger once the requirement has been notified to our Special Assistance Line.
This completed "Fit to Fly' form must be returned to Ryanair between 14 up to 2 days prior to travel for validation. The validated "Fit to Fly form must be carried by the passenger on all flights and produced to our cabin crew on boarding the aircraft.
If the POC is to be used onboard it is the passenger's responsibility to ensure that they have a sufficient number of fully charged batteries for the duration of the flight and any possible delays, as POC or batteries cannot be charged on board.
Click here for important battery information <http://www.ryanair.com/en/questions/important-information-for-the-carriage-of-batteries-for-assistive-devices>
N.B.  An oxygen concentrator should not be confused with either compressed oxygen or an oxygen generator which are not permitted to be brought onto a Ryanair aircraft.
If you need help, advice or would like to register for our FREE back up service please contact one of our customer service team for enquiries and quotes on info@oxygenworldwide.com for all you portable oxygen concentrator needs, advice and enjoy your travels and planning with all you questions answered.

oxygen at home

Are you concentrating? We are...

oxygen at home
oxygen at home

How does an Oxygen Concentrator work?
An Oxygen Concentrator uses the ambient air, which is normally 80% nitrogen and only 20% Oxygen. The oxygen concentrator separates the two components by using zeolite granules to selectively absorb nitrogen from the compressed air. The compressor raises the air pressure to about 20-lbs per square inch (P.S.I). The compressed air is introduced into one of the canisters containing zeolite granules where nitrogen is selectively absorbed leaving the residual oxygen available for patient use. After about 20 seconds the supply of compressed air is automatically diverted to the second canister where the process is repeated enabling the output of oxygen continue uninterrupted.
While the pressure in the second canister is at 20 P.S.I. the pressure in the first canister is reduced to zero. This allows nitrogen to be released from the zeolite and returned into the atmosphere. The zeolite is then regenerated and ready for the next cycle. By alternating the pressure in the two canisters so that first one and then the other is at 20 P.S.I., a constant supply of oxygen is produced while the zeolite is continually being regenerated. Individual units have an output of up to five litres per minute with an oxygen concentration of up to 95%. What is Zeolite? The word 'zeolite' is Greek in origin and means 'boiling stones' as natural zeolites visibly lose water when heated. Zeolite is an inorganic porous material having a highly regular structure of pores and chambers that allows some molecules to pass through, and causes others to be either excluded, or broken down. It is in many ways, the inorganic equivalent of organic enzymes, many of which also have specific sized chambers that trap chemicals within our bodies, holding them where they either break down, or react with specific chemicals. Zeolite has many uses.
Who uses O2 concentrators?
COPD Patients suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), an illness with disabling symptoms, high cost of care, and substantial mortality. COPD is an obstructive airway disease that is characterized by a reduction noted on the individual's pulmonary function study. The term COPD is often applied to a family of diseases, including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and alpha 1-antitrypsin disease. Currently, therapeutic interventions can slow the progression of these diseases, but they cannot stop or reverse it.
Oxygen concentrators dramatically extends the use time from a supply of oxygen, offering increased mobility with improved comfort and increased efficiency. The short pulse of oxygen delivered during inhalation is almost undetectable, and the humidity in the room air helps maintain a normal level of moisture in the nasal cavity. This greatly reduces the discomfort of dehydration associated with a continuous flow oxygen system.
For more information on medical oxygen, oxygen concentrators and traveling abroad please contact Oxygen Worldwide.

The Journey is On LED signage

Take the journey with oxygen

The decision to travel abroad when you or your child has respiratory or pulmonary conditions will naturally make you think twice; knowing that dependency on oxygen will present challenges. But, with some planning, it is certainly possible to start your journey stress-free. For those with diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema or chronic bronchitis, supplemental medical oxygen is a necessity. If you have ever tried to travel with supplemental oxygen, you know how difficult this can be. Being prepared, and knowing how to travel safely with oxygen and where to obtain oxygen at your final destination is vital.
Firstly, pay a visit to your doctor to discuss your travel plans. It’s crucial at the time of making reservations, that you are considered fit to travel. When having to travel with oxygen, its policy with most air and cruise lines that passengers secure suitable travel insurance. Without doctor’s consent or if you are awaiting surgery, impatient treatment or under medical investigation, it’s unlikely that cover will be issued and travel permitted. To start your journey of excitement when you decide to travel even if you have not secured your destination it is best to reserach the country and if you plan to be away from home longer than your portable oxygen unit will allow an oxygen company  such as Oxygen Worldwide can arrange for oxygen to be delivered to your destination, and can even help you with finding a place to refill your oxygen while you are on the road.

Travel by airplane also takes a good amount of research and preparation. No airline will allow you to bring aboard your own oxygen cylinder, but many airlines have medical oxygen cylinders available for a fee for use on their planes, such as Alaska Airlines, British Airways, Continental, Delta and Japan Airlines. The oxygen containers used on airplanes vary from airline to airline. You must make arrangements to provide your own oxygen to and from the airplane. It is helpful to have someone take you to the airport and allow them to take your tank home.
Now your journey can begin with the excitement of your destination and your medical oxygen is in safe hands with the experts so you can relax and feel ready to enjoy you time away from home.
It is important to make advance arrangements for the delivery of oxygen to the airport of your destination. Almost all airlines require a 48-hour advance notice for domestic flights, and airlines can require up to 72 hours advance notice for international travel.

All aboard and relax and enjoy your travels. With specialist knowledge, muliti bilingual staff and 24 hour care Oxygen Worldwide can help your next holiday be stress-free. Contact us today with your questions, queries or just an no obligation quote for your trip on info@oxygenworldwide.com
Happy traveling...

Little ray of sunshine

Little ray of sunshine - Making wishes come true.

Little ray of sunshine
Oxygen Worldwide provides life line for Little ray of sunshine wish

Iqra who is a 9 year old girl with complex congenital heart disease. Iqra had one wish and her one wish to go and visit the magnficient Disneyland Paris! Unfortunately going to Disneyland Paris is not an easy ride for a little girl with this kind of heart condition. To make this dream come true Iqra needed an oxygen concentrator which would enable her to breathe properly every minute.
Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity was formed in 2004 to help children who are living with serious or life-limiting illnesses between the ages of 3-18, across the United Kingdom.
It does this by:-

  1. Granting these childrens wishes however impossible the wish may seem
  2. Helping hospitals, hospices and specialist schools improve their facilities

With help and support Rays of Sunshine are able to turn wishes into happy memories for thousands of young people today.

Oxygen Worlwide helps make wishes come true
Oxygen Worldwide helps child with life threatening heart disease

The charity Little Ray of Sunshine makes wishes of very ill children come true every week and for Iqra's wish she will be able to go on her dream destination and meet all the Disney characters and see he dream become a reality - we will follow Iqra on her trip in April and she is very excited to be able to make this dream a reality.
Oxygen Worldwide have been providing medical oxygen for patients and clients who need medical oxygen to breathe without this life line these people could not travel to visit new places, see friends and family or be able to see the world and its many interesting and beautiful places. We look forward to finding out all about Iqra's trip and seeing her wish come true.

the breach


the breach

Oxygen Worldwide can help with the organistion of medical oxygen when traveling abroad. Please contact our 24 hour team on [+34] 96.688.28.73 or [+34] 96.688.28.71, so that we can help you as much as possible on your trip.

  • Health
  • Overseas
  • Lungs
  • Insurance
  • Details
  • Accommodation
  • Your friends & family
  • Safety

During a flight, the high altitudes will cause the partial pressure of oxygen to naturally fall. Healthy people are largely unaffected, but if your oxygen levels at sea level are already low, flying can have serious implications. You may be advised by your doctor to increase your flow rate during the flight.

Overseas Flights

Before booking a flight, check with the airline to see if they can assist with your in-flight oxygen needs. Most airlines provide oxygen during the flight at an additional cost. The maximum flow rate provided by the airlines is normally restricted to 4 litres per minute.
Remember to check what the cost will be and also what documentation they require you to complete.
Planning in advance is always the key when booking your holiday.


The British Lung Foundation is a great charity find out more by visiting their website at www.britishlungfoundation.org


When abroad, you should travel with your European Health Insurance (EHIC - replacement for the E111) and ensure your insurance cover has your full medical history before you leave.


If you are a frequent traveller with a particular airline then you can apply for a FREMAC medical card (Frequent Travellers Medical Card) to save a replication of medical forms, providing your circumstances do not change. FREMAC is issued by most airlines.


Remember to plan ahead.
In approved destinations, Oxygen Worldwide will help you to order oxygen with an overseas provider. Oxygen Worldwide can help take care of all the organisation even if you are traveling onto another area, country. We have extensive network of organisations, knowledge and netorks.

Your Friends & Family

For short trips you may decide to take oxygen supplies with you.  If you wish to discuss the provision of oxygen at your holiday destination then contact Oxygen Worldwide on info@oxygenworldwide.com who will discuss the best options available.


Remember the safety aspects apply when travelling as they do when you are at home. Ensure your equipment is stored safely and that you fully understand how to use your equipment if abroad -if different than your own.

Be happy and live longer...

That’s what British researchers found when they asked nearly 4,000 people, aged 52 to 79, to spend a typical weekday recording their emotions and then checked back an average of five years later to find how many study participants were still alive. Those who had scored the highest “positive attitude” (PA) had a substantially longer survival rate.
Findings included:
*The “happiest” people were slightly younger and more likely to be male and married.
*Positive emotions overall were lowest at 7 a.m. and highest at 7 p.m.
*Ethnicity, paid employment, education and presence of serious disease made no significant difference in PA.
*Smoking was less common and physical activity higher among those with higher PAs.
*Happier people had higher opinions of their own health.
All signs point to cultivating an upbeat outlook if you want to add more birthdays to your life – and enjoy them

three monks sitting on concrete temple during daytime

Incredible India

In a country as diverse and complex as India, it is not surprising to find that people here reflect the rich glories of the past, the culture, traditions and values relative to geographic locations and the numerous distinctive manners, habits and food that will always remain truly Indian. Oxygen Worldwide can help you see incredible India and be reassured with our FREE back up service available to all our customers.
Oxygen Worldwide make traveling to India with medical oxygen as carefree as possible with:

  • Multilingual staff
  • FREE back up service whilst abroad
  • Custom made pricing
  • Years of expertise
  • 24 hour service by telephone

Thinking about traveling to incredible India? Contact us today here or tweet us for info or post on our facebook wall!

Oxygen Worlwdie - experts in back up service with medical oxygen

Back-up service creates a lifeline

Oxygen Worlwdie - experts in back up service with medical oxygenOxygen Worldwide provide a vital lifeline available to anyone who has to travel with medical oxygen.
What is the SOS back up service?
SOS stands for Simple Oxygen Solutions this is the answer to all who intend to travel with an oxygen portable concentrator and you can be 100% certain that oxygen can be supplied if you encounter any problems with the device you are using for FREE.
Why should you register?
This service provided by Oxygen Worldwide will ensure peace of mind when abroad with our 24 hour service line, multi lingual customer service staff and experience in medical oxygen.
All you need to do is register and you will be provided with our SOS emergency help line to use if you encounter any problems.
This service is vital and all you need to do is register today by completing the online registration form with your details.