Winter may be coming but let your mind shine

As we all approach into the end of the year we must all be mindful of our mental health and wellness. Especially with all the world restrictions and worry it is time to put your health first and here are 4 things you can do to fight off those terrible winter blues coming:

  1. A good night's sleep - Sleep is very important to help you function each day. Make sure you get to bed at a reasonable time and try switch off from social media before you retire to sleep. It is also important to wind down so you can sleep well and have enough hours to feel refreshed and awake the following morning.
  2. We all need our Vitamin D - The sun may not be shining as much but you still need Vitamin D in the winter months. You will not be able to get it naturally but you can still receive enough in tablet form from a local pharmacy and helps to keep your bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
  3. See your family and friends - Meeting with your friends and family is so important to talk, communicate and have a few laughs with. Communication and interacting with others stimulates good feelings and helps to reduce depressive feelings. Its good to talk and seeing your loved ones is very important.
  4. Plan you next break - Planning your next holiday, vacation or staycation helps to have something good to look forward do, planning and research helps to create an excitement and positive thinking and not to mention a great activity to do during the day.

For all your medical oxygen needs for your next trip please do contact OxygenWorldwide today for a no - obligation quote.

Safest destinations to travel to right now


It has been a very challenging time for travel and it can also be very confusing. Rules and regulations keep on changing but for now as the school holidays end this means that for those wanting to travel means less tourists, more space and more choice to travel and explore safely. At the moment here are our top 3 destinations to travel to in Europe:

Corfu, Greece

This island is one of the few that has been least affected by coranavirus and is beautiful. You can still experience the Greek hospitality but still remain safe travelling to an island that has remained low on the list. You can relax and enjoy its scenery and great weather especially during September and October where temperatures still remain warm and pleasant.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

This destination recorded up to 15 times fewer cases of Coronavirus than the most affected countries. If you enjoy history and a relaxed and friendly atmosphere you will not be disappointed. A unique please to travel to with many museums and beautiful spots to see.

Warsaw, Poland

Rich in history and survival it at its heart - surviving world wars and also being a low affected place right now this is great to explore and really feel safe. There are not only many trendy cafes, restaurants and sights but also lots of history and beautiful monuments to take in and really feel the culture.

If you are planning to travel please do contact our team who have the expert knowledge on rules and can help arrange you medicla oxygen needs for you at OxygenWorldwide

Letting your lungs live longer

Eating nutrient rich foods is an important part of your diet when you need oxygen. For those who may have lung health issues or respiratory medical conditions diet is just as important. If you suffer from asthma, COPD, bronchitis or other lung illnesses then take a look at what foods can help enrich your lung function.

Always remember that water is also important part of your daily routine as well as getting enough sleep and exercise.

Here are some food which are recommended to improve lung function:

  • Apples are great!!
  • Broccoli
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Flaxseeds
  • Turmeric

Top destinations for amazing Autumn Getaways

Top destinations for amazing Autumn Getaways

Autumn brings colour, seasons and change from the beach-filled tourism feel. After this summer seemed to come and go so fast and many of us not opting to go away, now is the perfect time to getaway before the end of the year. There is so much to explore, see and do even when travelling with medical oxygen.

Here is our top 10 European City Breaks:

  1. Prague
  2. Budapest
  3. Barcelona
  4. Vienna
  5. Malta
  6. Portugal
  7. Paris
  8. Berlin
  9. Copenhagen
  10. Dublin

We will never leave your side

We will never leave your side

Every time you step to visit, travel, staycate you have all your medical oxygen needs arranged with the team at OxygenWorldwide. You can have the confidence in not only the organisation of all your oxygen therapy requirements, but the team since 1993 have been arranging oxygen needs for travellers so you are safe in our hands.


  • Our years of experience. OxygenWorldwide has been arranging oxygen since 1993
  • Our worldwide contacts with oxygen suppliers and airport personnel
  • Our multilingual customer service staff. In many cases we can assist you in your native language. This can be particularly important when having problems during your travel or stay abroad.
  • Our custom-made pricing. Our price is based on your specific needs.

If you are planning a trip abroad soon with medical oxygen simply get in touch with the team here.

Our Heroes...

Our heroes...

Through the tough few months we would like to say thank you to those who have still needed, wanted or had to travel to various destinations across the globe. As the travel industry gets back off the ground there is always the need to move across countries.

We are here to help and care for you as always. Our team of experts will always be there to plan, arrange, book your medical oxygen needs whether you are going on holiday, flying back home, visiting friends or travelling for work - we are here.

Kontakt for your medical oxygen needs if you are travelling soon

Travelling abroad?

If you are considering your trip abroad then it takes time to organise especially when you need to arrange your medical oxygen. The task could seem daunting if it is an international trip. Trying to arrange medical needs in another country and another language creates a barrier and also you have to get this right.

The team at OxygenWorldwide speak multiple languages and use trusted supplier networks across the globe. This service takes the stress and worry out of planning your next vacation to an international destination.

You can simply sit back and dream about your holiday whilst OxygenWorldwide take care of all your medical oxygen needs. To also ensure your confidence the team are on hand to be contacted 24/7 so even when you arrive at your destination you are not alone.

If you are planning a trip please do contact the team here.


seaside holiday

Staycation or Vacation?

Many of us are longing to have a change of scenery, visit friends or go away to relax. Whether it is a staycation or a vacation when travelling with medical oxygen do not let this stop you!

seaside holiday

Seaside staycation or seaside vacation?

Staycations or holistay are trips made within driving distance of where you live. These are great ways to explore your own country and discover destinations without the need to book flights or ferries as part of your trip.

Some people will chose to get away completely and vacate to another country via sea or air travel. Staycations give people the opportunity to discover destinations where they live which sometimes we forget how special they are.

Whether you choose to opt for a staycation or vacation OxygenWorldwide are here to arrange all your oxygen therapy requirements.

Travel with oxygen to anywhere!

It may seem a confusing time in regards to restrictions, guidelines and rules but the world is your oyster. If you maintain your safety and others you can still enjoy a vacation. Going away after all these times will feel like a breathe of fresh air you need after being indoors for the past few months. Even if you are planning next years' travel plans this is OK as you can plan to take a much needed extended holiday trip. Maybe you want to travel the world a bit and see various places after missing out this year. It is the perfect opportunity to research, plan and book your holiday - plus it will give us something to look forward to.

Even when travelling with medical oxygen you may think there are not many places you can travel - but you are wrong. The team at OxygenWorldwide have over 20 years experience and can help arrange oxygen therapy across the world in over 130 countries.

If you have always wanted to see and discover new places, cultures of just want something different for your next adventure. Then go for it!!! Plan and research today for when you are ready to fly, boat or train across the countries of this world. There is so much to see when we are all ready.

Dont forget visit our website here and download our FREE e-book today.

Face masks & coverings - on or off?

Face coverings are becoming part of the everyday outfit now for most European citizens. Many have been advised to wear these face coverings to protect yourself and others. The UK has just announced that they must too wear a face covering when go into a shop or supermarket or they will be fined. There are several arguments for and against'on or off',
what do you think?

Here are a few of the outlined arguments against:

  • Wearing a mask may inhibit breathing for those who already have respiratory problems
  • Dirty masks (as people may not wash them) can help spread more germs
  • It makes people feel invincible and therefore defeats the object

Here are a few of the outlined arguments for:

  • Protect yourself and others from catching anything infectious
  • Duty of care to health workers to keep safe at all times
  • China has already had wearing masks as a norm - even stylish that now it is selfish to not wear a mask especially if you feel ill, plus protects people from pollution

Let us know your opinion in the comments...

YES - You find it MORE SAFE to travel now nearly everybody has to wear a face mask or covering
NO - Although other people wear face masks or coverings, you may feel this puts you off and won't travel as it does NOT make you feel safer than before.